I Want To Make More Friends

From Angie...

I have been to a lot of women’s retreats and always have had a wonderful time. Maybe it is because I lived with 4 men (my husband and 3 sons) for so long? I just need girlfriend time. But there's more to it. 

I enjoy getting away to focus on my relationship with the Lord. I also enjoy getting away to focus on the ladies from the church. It’s amazing how much we have in common, even those who I never seem to have time to visit with on a Sunday or church event.

The last retreat I attended.

The last retreat I attended, I went with 2 ladies that I didn’t know very well. It was sponsored by another church. By the end of the retreat, we were all good friends. I was encouraged by their lives and their faith. I learned to appreciate them and their relationship with the Lord as we spent time worshipping, eating, talking, and laughing. I came home refreshed and encouraged and with few new friends.

I want to make more friends.

I am looking forward to our Women’s retreat. As I look around on Sunday mornings there are so many of you that I don't know. I see you and say “hi,” but I haven't ever really spent time with you. And I want to. So please come with me!