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Guests Get A Free Lunch This Sunday
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Lunch is on us.

If you are a recent guest, first-time attender, just passing through, or have been around a couple weeks but haven't yet been to a guest luncheon, then please be our guest! Join us this Sunday, 07-27-14, immediately following the service, for a luncheon in the Woman's Club Garden.

We'd love to get to know you better.

The format is "come-and-go as you please" and kids are welcome. A few members of the church and one of our pastors will be there to greet you.

More info will be available at the service on Sunday. See you then!

Celebrating our Friendships Last Sunday

Hosting a conference like Worship God 2014 has it's benefits.

We all get to make it to a session or two, we get to do "international ministry" without leaving our hometown, and the Sunday after the conference is always like one big happy family reunion.

Big thanks go out to Bob Kauflin and his crew from Sovereign Grace Music. Also in the mix was Matt Boswell and worship team. You guys rock.

And thanks to all the other first-timers and new friends who joined us last Sunday. Drop us a line on our Facebook Page and tell us about your Worship God experience. It's was so good to connect with you. We thank God for you and our partnership together.

We'd love to hear from you again.


A Thousand Points Of Volunteering Light

Well played Sovereign Grace.

One of the best parts of Worship God 2014 was watching you serve. Thank you for living for Jesus and going above and beyond to bless brothers and sisters from all over the world. Each and every act of service was a reflection of the character of God...Father, Son, and Spirit.

Only He knows.

So many of you served, it'd be difficult to thank every one of you here by name. Plus we don't even know everything you did. Only God knows. However, here are a few of the "thousand points of light"...

  • Dylan and Christy - They both took the week off to lead us on-site. First to arrive, last to leave, all conference long. Wow.
  • David C. - His coordination with Sovereign Grace Music early on in the process enabled us to serve. We'd have been lost without his help.
  • Rebecca - Books and food for everyone. Nobody was going to go home hungry as long as she was on the job. We crown you the "conference mom" :)
  • Kristin - She took 1 billion photos and they all are awesome. Check them all out here. we are regretting starting this list. Where to stop? The Spirit is at work in you church. Praise God.

Highlights From Our Songwriters Camp 2014

"I loved it! It's was a great experience and I hope there will be another retreat next year. Very intensive and personal attention was given to each person. It was such a blessing. Thank you Steve and Vicky." - Hector

"I found this to be a blessing, extremely practical--- but practice alone without a servant's heart would be nothing, and through it all I could see Steve and Vicki (and Bob's) servant heart through their actions and words. Praise God!" - Joseph

Trinitarian Goodies From Worship God 2014

“The Trinity is the oxygen of Christian life and joy.” Mike Reeves

“The Trinity makes salvation possible and the Trinity makes salvation sweet.”  Mike Reeves

“We clothe ourselves with our first born Brother and with assurance go into the presence of our Father.” Mike Reeves

“We share in precisely nothing less than what the Son of God has.”  Mike Reeves

“There is nothing that is qualitatively good that is not God’s.” Bruce Ware

“God does not need us, but he loves us.” Bruce Ware

“The Holy Spirit is God with you and in you.” Jon Payne