A Thousand Points Of Volunteering Light

Well played Sovereign Grace.

One of the best parts of Worship God 2014 was watching you serve. Thank you for living for Jesus and going above and beyond to bless brothers and sisters from all over the world. Each and every act of service was a reflection of the character of God...Father, Son, and Spirit.

Only He knows.

So many of you served, it'd be difficult to thank every one of you here by name. Plus we don't even know everything you did. Only God knows. However, here are a few of the "thousand points of light"...

  • Dylan and Christy - They both took the week off to lead us on-site. First to arrive, last to leave, all conference long. Wow.
  • David C. - His coordination with Sovereign Grace Music early on in the process enabled us to serve. We'd have been lost without his help.
  • Rebecca - Books and food for everyone. Nobody was going to go home hungry as long as she was on the job. We crown you the "conference mom" :)
  • Kristin - She took 1 billion photos and they all are awesome. Check them all out here.

Ok...now we are regretting starting this list. Where to stop? The Spirit is at work in you church. Praise God.