Posts in Events
Sunday In Review

1.  Camps and more:  There is a lot going on this summer at Sovereign Grace OC.  Get on the website and sign-up for all the fun activities, camps and conferences!  Check it all out here!


2.  Pray for our Pastor and Intern:  Pastor Eric will be preaching at Redeeming Grace Church in Indio, CA this week.  This church was planted by David Palmer and friends about nine months ago.  He has been invited to come out and encourage them in their work.  Pray they are refreshed, and that our partnership with them grows.   Also, be praying for our intern, David Christensen as he preaches from 1 Peter.


Listen again as Pastor Eric teaches from Mark

Register Now For Everything

It's that time of year. Summer is coming, the popsicle cart is out, and plans are being made. Here's a few opportunities to do stuff together. Some of them require you to register.

  • Songwriters Camp - Register for 3 days of learning, writing, and fellowship. 16 years and older. Steve and Vikki Cook and Bob Kauflin. Learn more here.
  • Worship God 2014 - Volunteer at the premier "all things Sunday music" conference. We're the host church. The world is coming. And we need your help. Learn more here.
  • Beach Camp 2014 - Registration is already more than half full and guests of the church are now welcome to register. Don't miss the campiest event of the year. Learn more here.
  • 2nd Annual Freestyle Chili Cook Off - A spicy ending to a summer of fun. Mark your calendars. August 24th. You have lunch plans. Learn more and register your entry here.
Events, CommunityChurch Staff
Youth Group In Old Towne Orange

The April youth event was a picture scavenger hunt. The youth were set loose in Old Town Orange and Chapman University. They were on a mission to explore the city we minister in. They had fun looking for Chapman students, beards, antique shops, and baristas. Check out some of the photos from the scavenger hunt here

Sunday in Review

1.  Original Jesus - We gave away a free book to guests this past Sunday.  If you would like a copy we have some available for $2 each.  Check out the bookstore for more information.  


2.  Welcome - Bliss Evangeline Enge was born Thursday and joined us for her first Easter service.  Congratulations Enge Family!! 


3.  WorshipGod 2014 - We are hosting Sovereign Grace Ministries bi-annual worship conference this summer!  July 16-19.  Invite friends or sign-up to volunteer.  In addition to this conference, there will be a Songwriters Camp with Steve and Vikki Cook right here in Old Towne Orange.  More information to come.

4.  Beach Camp - This summers Church Beach Camp in Santa Barbara is already half way sold out!  If you would like to join us please get online soon to register.  We will be opening it up to friends soon!!


5.  Chili Cook-off - Mark your calendars for our Second Annual Freestyle Chili Cook-off at Hart Park.   Sunday - August 24th.  Get those recipes out and ready to be judged!  You won't want to miss Pastor Eric's latest creation...…The Four Chili's of the Apocalypse!!


Pastor Eric began a new series in Mark - listen as he brings us Jesus!  Mark 1:1-15