Register Now For Everything

It's that time of year. Summer is coming, the popsicle cart is out, and plans are being made. Here's a few opportunities to do stuff together. Some of them require you to register.

  • Songwriters Camp - Register for 3 days of learning, writing, and fellowship. 16 years and older. Steve and Vikki Cook and Bob Kauflin. Learn more here.
  • Worship God 2014 - Volunteer at the premier "all things Sunday music" conference. We're the host church. The world is coming. And we need your help. Learn more here.
  • Beach Camp 2014 - Registration is already more than half full and guests of the church are now welcome to register. Don't miss the campiest event of the year. Learn more here.
  • 2nd Annual Freestyle Chili Cook Off - A spicy ending to a summer of fun. Mark your calendars. August 24th. You have lunch plans. Learn more and register your entry here.
Events, CommunityChurch Staff