Posts in Community
Pray For Our Small Group Leaders


Our small group ministry isn't just one option among many ministries of the church, this is THE ministry.

Big meetings. Small Meetings.

Our life together is organized into two primary contexts. Our big meetings are our Sunday services. Our small meetings are our small groups. This is where we get to pursue one another and grow in our understanding of the gospel and how it applies to our lives. Without small groups, we wouldn't be able to love one another because we wouldn't know one another. 

Our Small Group leaders meet regularly for training, fellowship and care. 

They are meeting this Friday and they covet your prayers for God to use them and equip them to facilitate our small meetings.


Ministries, CommunityAnne Adam
Pursuing Purity Within Our Church

We want to make an investment in you.

We are offering every adult member of our church a FREE ACCOUNT with Covenant Eyes. We will pay the bill if you will use the service.

Covenant Eyes is an internet accountability service. It monitors your usage and sends reports to someone you trust. It makes it easy to invite your friends and family into your digital world.

You pick your accountability partners.

The church pays the fee.

Why are we doing this? Because we want to pursue purity within our church. Not everyone needs a service like this and Covenant Eyes is definitely not the end-all solution to every internet problem. You may not even be experiencing any problems. That's fine. Don't sign up. Praise God!

However, many people find the anonymous nature of the internet a source of temptation. They struggle with laziness, unhelpful speech, coveting the lives of others, and lust. The list goes on. Covenant Eyes is one small way you can invite others into your life online.

Why are we doing this? Because we are committed to equipping you to live your digital life for the glory of God. Don't be a lone-ranger when it comes to the online world. Buddy up and live your life in community.

Learn more and sign up today.

Pastor Eric At UCI
Look who is singing Sovereign Grace Music!

Look who is singing Sovereign Grace Music!

Jesus: The true and better Scapegoat

Pastor Eric spoke this past Wednesday evening at Crossroads Campus Ministry on the campus of UCI. They are in a quarter long study on the gospel and he was assigned penal substitutionary atonement.

“God himself gave himself to save us from himself.” - John Stott