Covenant Eyes

We live in a connected world. All of us. It's all around us. And we are anonymous.

Back in the day we watched TV in the living room, talked on our phones in the kitchen, and shared an inbox with the entire family (it was a called the mailbox). We consumed our media publicly. There was built-in accountability.

Fast forward to today and we have access to whatever we want, whenever we want it, and nobody needs to know. 

How much video did you watch today? What did you watch? Who did you talk to? What did you read? These questions feel like an invasion of your privacy, don't they? And they should. You're right. Not everybody needs to know what you do online. But shouldn't somebody know?

The connected world is full of temptations. Temptations to be lazy and binge on entertainment. To covet the lives of others on social media or to lie about your own life. To gossip, slander, and speak in ways that hurt and harm rather than build up and encourage. And oh yeah, there's pornography.

We want to make a big investment in you.

We offer every adult member of our church a FREE ACCOUNT with Covenant Eyes. We will pay the bill if you will use the service. Covenant Eyes is an internet accountability service. It monitors your usage and sends reports to someone you trust. It makes it easy to invite your friends and family into your digital world.

Why are we doing this?

Because life has changed and we all spend a lot of time online. Not everyone needs a service like this and Covenant Eyes is definitely not the end-all solution to every internet problem. You may not even be experiencing any problems. That's fine. Don't sign up. Praise God!

However, many find the anonymous nature of the internet a source of temptation. They struggle with laziness, unhelpful speech, coveting the lives of others, and lust. The list goes on. Covenant Eyes is one small way you can invite others into your life online.

Why are we doing this?

Because we are committed to equipping you to live your digital life for the glory of God. Don't be a lone-ranger when it comes to the online world. Buddy up and live your life in community.