Posts in Community
My first Sunday Here

David shared this testimony last Sunday...

My first Sunday here was like nothing I had ever experienced. I was surrounded by some of the most loving people I had ever met and the sermon was drenched in the gospel. I decided that morning that you would be my new home and I never left. That was years ago.

Now God is calling me to serve in the Air Force and it’s difficult to communicate what you have meant to me. I certainly look forward to what God has planned for me in the service. And please pray for me!

Pray that God would bring me other Christians to fellowship with and that together we can be a light to the military community.

Yet I will always remember you.

Some of you have become like mothers to me, others like fathers and brothers and sisters. Your love for me was part of how God changed me. I won’t soon forget.

I will also miss having the youth of this church running and giving me a hug every Sunday when they saw me. A single man needs to be part of families. It helps ground us. It helps us feel like we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Thank you for sharing with me. I won’t forget this either.

You are my family.

You make God look great.

Please keep loving men like me. Make room for us in your lives and this church.  God is using you. It makes all the difference.

We Believe

Creeds. Doctrinal Statements. Beliefs. Confessions. Statements of Faith.

Do we really need lengthy documents that articulate what we believe? Can't we just simply believe "the Bible"? Or be content with the phrase "no creed but Christ!"? Thorough statements of faith are not only helpful, they are necessary. Christianity involves essential truths which are taught in Sacred Scripture, and are meant to embody our faith and guide our practice. These truths - which reveal the nature, character, work and promises of God in the gospel - form the foundation of our faith and the center of our fellowship.  

We Believe

Beginning Sunday January 18th, Sunday School will launch a new study as our team of teachers carefully walk us through our church's very own Statement of Faith. We'll spend fourteen weeks examining and internalizing what we believe the Bible teaches us about God, Salvation & the Church.

What does the church believe?

Why do we believe it?

And, What difference does it make in your life?

There is no required homework. The only thing you'll need to bring is your Bible. And the only additional resource you'll want to consult is our Statement of Faith. You can download a PDF version with Scripture references here.

Thank You For Christmas Eve

A wonderful evening.

Our Christmas Eve Service was beautiful and we want to thank everyone who made it possible. It's no small thing to break away from the holiday fun to serve behind the scenes. These are just a few of the many:

Dylan Sohie - Audio

Lisa Blackman - Hospitality

The Davises and Espositos - Set-up/Take-down

Dustin Smetona and Rachel Reed - Music

Steve and Vikki Cook - Music

Please pray for the many guests who attended the service. May God grant them the gift of sight, that they might see Christ and know His power to save. 

Events, CommunityChurch Staff
Jingle Bell Rock

What do you get when you put a bunch of musicians together for a Christmas party? Well lots of food that's for sure. But also Christmas carol based games and lots of singing! Check out the photos below.

Have you considered joining the worship team? We would still love to hear from you! Fill out the form here if you're interested.