We Believe

Creeds. Doctrinal Statements. Beliefs. Confessions. Statements of Faith.

Do we really need lengthy documents that articulate what we believe? Can't we just simply believe "the Bible"? Or be content with the phrase "no creed but Christ!"? Thorough statements of faith are not only helpful, they are necessary. Christianity involves essential truths which are taught in Sacred Scripture, and are meant to embody our faith and guide our practice. These truths - which reveal the nature, character, work and promises of God in the gospel - form the foundation of our faith and the center of our fellowship.  

We Believe

Beginning Sunday January 18th, Sunday School will launch a new study as our team of teachers carefully walk us through our church's very own Statement of Faith. We'll spend fourteen weeks examining and internalizing what we believe the Bible teaches us about God, Salvation & the Church.

What does the church believe?

Why do we believe it?

And, What difference does it make in your life?

There is no required homework. The only thing you'll need to bring is your Bible. And the only additional resource you'll want to consult is our Statement of Faith. You can download a PDF version with Scripture references here.