Posts tagged service
It's Tonight!

Our Outdoor, Candelight Celebration of Grace

Bring those you love to hear the gospel sung and preached to our Christmas Eve service tonight. 6pm at the Woman’s Club garden in Old Towne Orange. This will be an evening to remember. Make it beautiful with us.

Get all the details.

A Beautiful Christmas Eve In Old Towne Orange

Carols, Candles, and Cookies

Our 7th Annual Christmas Eve Service will here in a month. We will be singing traditional Christmas carols, reading Scripture, playing with fire, and eating cookies. 

Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. Pray that God would meet us as we preach the light of the gospel to our city.

Get all the details.

We Gathered Around Jesus

"For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. "
1 Corinthians 11:26

Community in Christ is Beautiful

Thank you for making our 2018 Communion Service a success. Friendships were built. Food was eaten. Songs were sung. And most of all, Jesus was celebrated and adored. A special thanks to those who served by cooking, setting up, and tearing down.

Check out more photos on Facebook.