Our First Worship Leader Apprentice

We have begun a new initiative to train worship leaders at Sovereign Grace Church. We call it a Worship Leader Apprenticeship and we are excited to announce our very first Apprentice:

Nate Adam

Nate has agreed to make a huge sacrifice of time to grow in his capacity to serve us. We are grateful to God for him!

Over the next several months, he will begin to start leading songs on Sundays.

A few things for you:

  1. As you see Nate leading, encourage and pray for him.
  2. Pray also that God would bring us more musicians who want to be trained to lead. We want to see churches singing gospel-centered songs all over Orange County! We will need more trained and equipped worship leaders for this to happen.
  3. Consider if God might be calling you to serve in this capacity. Our worship leaders are looking for people who want to be trained. If you are interested, email Dustin Smetona.