November Book Reading Challenge

A book recommended by your pastor.

Join us as we read 12 books in 12 months. This month we are reading a book recommended by your pastor. 

All the books from all the other months are fair game. Read a new one. They were all recommended by your pastor.

January February March April May June July August September October

However, if none of these options excite you, here's one more. A timely treatment of a subject every Californian Christian should to understand.

Can I Smoke Pot? Marijuana in light of Scripture by Tom Breedon and Mark L. Ward Jr.

This book isn't the definitive work on the subject of marijuana and there is room for disagreement. However, their willingness to allow scripture to determine their thinking is commendable. This is a good model of how to wrestle with and apply the scriptures.

RecommendationsChurch Staff