Jogging Into 2024

Who Needs a Resolution When You’ve got Friends?

Our Old Towne Joggers run club hits the pavement every Wednesday morning at 6:00am. Sure, it’s early. But why sleep when you could be jogging through our beautiful neighborhood with good neighbors? We’re happy to help you jumpstart your fitness routine for the new year. Join us next week and you’ll get a free coffee on the club.

Details and email sign-up are right here.

Follow us on Instagram here.

LatestChurch Staff
Jesus is the One

John 1:19-34

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter God and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

LatestChurch Staff
Parenting Is Hard, We Want to Help

Sign Up For Our Parenting Course

Parenting can often feel overwhelming and burdensome, especially for parents with young kids. We’ve got plenty of questions. We host a class to disciple newer parents in their parenting.

Our Parenting Course is for parents with children under the age of 12. It’s an opportunity to ask your questions and hear good teaching in a small group setting. But hurry! The registration deadline is January 28th and space is limited. Hit the button to get more details and sign up.

LatestChurch Staff
Pray for Our First Marriage Course

“‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.”
Ephesians 5:31-32

Our marriages reflect the glorious truth of the gospel. That’s why we give ourselves, by God’s grace, to grow as husbands and wives — so that Christ is honored. In 2024, we are offering a new course to help married couples refresh and refine their relationship.

The class is all set and the couples have their first meeting with Pastor Mike and his wife, Lois, tonight. Will you set aside a few minutes to pray for all 6 couples participating? Ask God to grow them in love for their spouse and wisdom in how to live together peacefully, sacrificially, and joyfully.

LatestChurch Staff
That You May Believe in Christ

John 1:6-18

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter God and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

LatestChurch Staff
Resolve to Read the Bible More in 2024

Here’s a Few Plans to Get You Started

We’re all making plans for the new year. Let Bible reading be one of them. Here are few options to help you find the best fit for you:

  • Five Day Plan. Read the Bible five days a week. The other two days allow you to catch up or take the day off and focus on other spiritual disciplines.

  • Every Day Plan. Get in the Word each day of the week by focusing on a different genre each time you read.

  • Bible Reading Chart. Go through the Bible at your own pace. Check off a chapter each time you read.

Those are a few of our favorites. You can find an entire list here. And remember, the main goal is to get in the Word consistently and make Bible reading a habit. Don’t get discouraged if you miss a day. Keep at it and make it a priority to abide in God’s Word this year.

LatestChurch Staff
The Light Shines in the Darkness

John 1:1-5

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter God and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

LatestChurch Staff