We Must Guard What God Gives Us

Nehemiah 7:1-4

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter Jesus and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

LatestChurch Staff
Praying Like Jesus Together

“Jesus was not only divine, but also fully human. Even as the perfect man, he no doubt still needed to pray. A robust, reverential, dependent prayer life was suitable and necessary given the various trials and distresses that he faced as the suffering servant. The Scriptures certainly give the impression that his prayer life was as indispensable for him as it is for us.”
Mark Jones

Jesus was committed to individual prayer and prayer with his disciples. So are we!

Join us this coming Tuesday night for our Prayer Service. We’ll pray for our church, our city, and one another in the Spirit’s strength and with his help. Add your prayers to ours.

Tuesday, April 25th
Woman’s Club

Details are all here. Thanks for making prayer a priority.

LatestChurch Staff
Pray For The Pastors Retreat

Regional Assembly of Elders

Every year our pastors join with pastors in our denomination from the southwest United States for a regional retreat. There’s prayer, teaching, singing, fellowship, business meetings, and even some good-natured competition. The retreat is hosted here in Orange County this week.

We’d like to ask you to pray for their time together. Here are a few things to cover:

  • Ask God to give grace to Pastor Eric as he leads.

  • Ask God to give the pastors unique opportunities to minister to each other.

  • Ask God to grow the friendships of the pastors in the region.

  • Ask God to use this meeting to further their shared gospel mission.

  • Ask God to bless their families while the men are away.

Thank God for Pastors

LatestChurch Staff
The Fear Of Freedom

Galatians 5:13-15

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter Jesus and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

LatestChurch Staff
Orange Plaza Car Show This Sunday

Too Many Hotrods to Handle

This Sunday the Orange Plaza Car show is coming to town! If you’ve never been to it, you’re in for a treat. There are cars, food, games, and more. Plan to hang out downtown after church and support local charities.

Parking will be tight, so make sure you arrive to the service a little earlier than normal.

LatestChurch Staff
Women's Book Discussion - May 8th

“Life doesn’t always turn out the way we expect. It is often out of our control and beyond our comprehension. Where do we turn in those times? The book of Ecclesiastes offers a guide for life―in the good and the bad.”

This summary comes from the book True Life, written by Carolyn Mahaney and Nicole Whitacre. Our women’s ministry director, Kirsi Turbedsky, is hosting a one-day discussion on the book for all interested women in our church. All you need to do is get a copy, read through it, and let Kirsi know you’ll be joining the discussion on Monday, May 8th at 7:00pm.

May God fill the women of Sovereign Grace Church with wisdom.

LatestChurch Staff