Get Ready for Church Membership Month

We’re Celebrating God’s Gift of the Local Church

This Sunday marks the beginning of our Church Membership Month! We’ll begin the month with baptisms (2/5) and end by introducing our new members (2/26). Along the way you’ll hear member testimonies pertaining to the four aspects that define our culture: joyful, generous, ordinary, neighbors. We even have a few surprises planned.

If you’re interested in membership, we want to hear from you. Hit the button below to get in contact with a pastor.

LatestAndrew Maples
Baptisms This Sunday

Immediately Following the Service

Plan to stay a few minutes after the Sunday Service for baptisms. We’re excited to see two of our friends—Greg and Martin—give a public testimony of what Christ has done in their lives. It all takes place in the Woman’s Club Garden.

LatestAndrew Maples
Take a Moment and Pray for Our Partners

Health Update From One of Our Friends

Scripture commands us to regularly pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ (Eph 6:8). That’s why we’re asking you to take a moment and pray for Pastor Dan—a pastor from one of our partner churches in Colorado. He has been battling cancer and receiving weekly treatments for awhile. The cancer was thought to be in remission, but doctors recently discovered it’s still active. Please pray for Pastor Dan and his family as they discuss his treatment options going forward. Ask God to give them wisdom, comfort, and health.

LatestAndrew Maples
New Song This Sunday

Come Ready to Worship

We’re introducing a new song this Sunday. Read the lyrics below or hit the button to listen. We can’t wait to worship the Lord together.


All praise to Him, the God of light
Who formed the mountains by His might
All praise to Him Who names the stars
That sing His fame in skies afar
All praise to Him Who reigns in love
Who guides the galaxies above
Yet bends to hear our every prayer
With sovereign pow’r and tender care

All praise to Him whose love is seen
In Christ the Son, the Servant King
Who left behind His glorious throne
To pay the ransom for His own
All praise to Him Who humbly came
To bear our sorrow, sin, and shame
Who lived to die, Who died to rise
The all-sufficient sacrifice

All praise to Him whose pow’r imparts
The love of God within our hearts
The Spirit of all truth and peace
The fount of joy and holiness
To Father, Son, and Spirit now
Our souls we lift, our wills we bow
To You, the triune God, we raise
With loving hearts our song of praise

LatestAndrew Maples
Worship Doesn't Begin With What We Give to God but What He Has Given to Us

Psalm 50

We gather every Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. God's Word is preached and the Holy Spirit transforms our hearts. We expect to encounter Jesus and be equipped to better serve him each week.

Thanks to all who missed the sermon because you were serving during the service. We are grateful for you and couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy listening to the recording.

LatestAndrew Maples
Hymn Sing in the Plaza Recap

Declaring God’s Praise for All to Hear

We spent Sunday evening singing hymns in the Old Towne Orange Plaza. Our friends joined us, and Bob Kauflin, Director of Music for Sovereign Grace Churches, led our time together. We’re thankful for another opportunity to proclaim Christ to our community.

LatestAndrew Maples
Pastors and Wives Retreat 2023

Thank You For Sending Us

The pastors and wives from our church and our regional churches gathered together last week at our annual Pastors and Wives Retreat. This retreat is meant to strengthen our church partnerships and encourage our leaders and their wives. On behalf of the Pastoral Team, thank you for sending us and praying for us. We’re grateful that you want us to go to these events.

LatestAndrew Maples
Hymn Sing in the Plaza This Sunday

Come Sing With Us on Sunday Evening

We’re singing hymns in the plaza with Bob Kauflin, Director of Music for Sovereign Grace Churches, this Sunday, January 29th. You don’t have to be a great singer—this event is perfect for everyone! Simply come ready to worship with one another and spend time with our neighbors.

  • Sunday, January 29th

  • 5:00 pm

  • Meet in the Plaza

  • Invite Your Friends and Family

LatestAndrew Maples