There Will Never Be Another Gospel

We Must Treasure and Defend the Gospel

What makes you angry reveals what you value. In this message, Pastor Eric looks at what makes Paul angry in Galatians 1:6-10. The gospel is being corrupted, and Paul sets out to defend the gospel. Along the way, we learn why the gospel is so precious and why we must defend it.

LatestAndrew Maples
Remembering the Reformation and Why We Celebrate

A Few Thoughts Following Reformapalooza

We had a great time at Reformapalooza last Sunday! We want to give a big thanks to all those who worked together to make it happen. We’ll have the pictures up soon. Until then, take a moment to think about the Reformation and all the saints who defended the gospel. There’s a reason why we celebrate. We wouldn’t be here without them. Also, check out the article excerpt below. It gives a clear picture of why the Reformation is so important.

What is Reformation Day? It is the day the light of the gospel broke forth out of darkness. It was the day that began the Protestant Reformation. It was a day that led to Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, and many other Reformers helping the church find its way back to God’s Word as the only supreme authority for faith and life and leading the church back to the glorious doctrines of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. It kindled the fires of missionary endeavors, it led to hymn writing and congregational singing, and it led to the centrality of the sermon and preaching for the people of God. It is the celebration of a theological, ecclesiastical, and cultural transformation.

So we celebrate Reformation Day. This day reminds us to be thankful for our past and to the monk turned Reformer. What’s more, this day reminds us of our duty, our obligation, to keep the light of the gospel at the center of all we do.

LatestAndrew Maples
Pray for Us at the Pastor's Conference

We’re in Orlando This Week

Your pastors and a few members are at the annual Sovereign Grace Pastor’s Conference. This conference exists to unite Sovereign Grace Churches in friendship, vision, and mission. Here’s a description from our Executive Director, Mark Prater.

How does this relate to you? We want to thank you for allowing us to be here! We’re so grateful that you joyfully send us each year. You can also pray for our time here. Ask God to use this week to encourage our leaders, build friendships, and strengthen our church.

LatestAndrew Maples
Get Your Food and Start Cooking for Reformapalooza!

We’ll See You at Reformapalooza This Sunday

Reformapalooza is finally here. We can’t wait to celebrate with food, fellowship, and games. It’s all taking place in the Women’s Club garden right after the service. We’ll provide the German sausages and buns. Here’s what we need from you:

Last name starts with A-E: Bring a side.

Last name starts with F-P: Bring a salad or vegetable.

Last name starts with R-Z: Bring a dessert.

If you’re a guest, your lunch is on us! No need to bring anything. For all others, we’ll direct you where to place and store your items before the service. Hit the button below to see our FAQs. If you have any questions, contact Andrew Maples.

LatestAndrew Maples
Mark Your Calendars for Our Member Meeting

Our Next Meeting is Sunday, November 13th

If you’re a member or consider SGCO your church home, plan to stay after the service on Sunday, November 13th. Bring your own lunch or cash for our Buck-O-Slice pizza. While you eat, the pastoral team will give you some important updates about the church. You don’t want to miss it.

LatestAndrew Maples
A Big Thanks to Our Worship Team!

Our Annual Band Camp Recap

Each year, our worship team gets together with our sister churches for a day long band camp. They spend time singing, learning, practicing, and praying in order to better serve our churches each Sunday. To that end, we want to take a moment and thank them for all they do. We’re grateful to be in a church with members who love to serve the body of Christ. Click below to see the video recap.

LatestAndrew Maples
We’ve Never Seen a Letter Like This

Listen In As We Begin Our Study of Galatians

Last Sunday, we began our series on Galatians. This is the apostle Paul’s most explosive letter. He had never written anything like this before. Even in the first few verses, we begin to notice several things that set this letter apart. Listen as Pastor Eric preaches from Galatians 1:1-5 and helps us receive this letter as God’s authentic Word.

LatestAndrew Maples