Children's Ministry Memory Verses

You, Your Children, and The Grove

Here at the Grove, our goal is to teach and train the next generation of disciples. We want all our kids to trust Jesus, love the church, and embrace the gospel mission. That’s why we’ve introduced monthly memory verses!

The kids in our Roots class (4-7yrs) will be learning Scripture passages each month for a chance to win prizes. At the beginning of the month, we’ll introduce a new memory verse. We’ll practice saying the verse each Sunday of that month. On the last Sunday of the month, kids will have a chance to recite the verse and take their pick from our legendary treasure chest of prizes!

Our verse for August is Ephesians 4:32. It says, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

To help your kids practice throughout the week, we’ve made a print out of all our fall memory verses. You can access it below. It’s perfect to place on your fridge or wherever else you’ll see it. We hope it serves as a reminder to your kids to learn Scripture and as an opportunity to learn Scripture together as a family. We’ll have copies available each Sunday.

Click here for the Fall Memory Verse Schedule

LatestAndrew Maples
This Week's Summer Events

Basketball and the Beach

We have two summer events this week. We’re kicking things off with basketball TONIGHT at El Camino Real Park and ending the week at Corona Del Mar Beach on Friday. All events are family friendly and open invite. You’ll find all the information you need below.


We meet once a month to play basketball at El Camino Real Park. Not a fan of basketball? Don’t worry, we’ve got something for everyone. Some people play ball, others bring their kids to the playground, and everyone enjoys spending time talking to one another. Meet tonight at El Camino Real Park (400 N Main St 92868) from 6:30-8:30pm.


Beach days are some of our favorite activities. There’s always something for everyone. Join us at Corona Del Mar Beach this Friday from 10am-2pm. We’ll meet near Lifeguard Tower #4. Bring everything you’ll need for the day and feel free to stay as long we you like.

All the details for each event can be found on our Facebook page. Be sure and check out our Summer Event Calendar for all future events.

LatestAndrew Maples
Worship Team Auditions

Remember to Sign Up by Sunday, August 14th

It’s a joy to lead our church in worship every Sunday. Our Worship Team aims to raise up musicians who exhibit an “undistracting excellence” as they exercise their God given talents in worship. In short, we make music for the glory of God, and we make musicians who glorify God. If you have musical talent and want to use your gifts to serve our church, we want to hear from!

Auditions are open to members and regular attenders pursuing membership. All you need to do is fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch with you soon. Be prepared to commit at least 1 year beginning in September.

Click here for the sign up form.

LatestAndrew Maples
Sign Up for Celebration 2022

Mark Your Calendars for Sept 30th

Celebration 2022 is right around the corner, and you don’t want to miss out. For those who don’t know, this is an annual weekend retreat with all the Sovereign Grace churches in California. There’s games, music, encouraging messages, activities for all ages, and plenty of time to relax with friends. Here’s what you need to know:

  • When: Sept 30th-Oct 2nd

  • Where: Idyllwild, CA

  • Who: SGCO, Cross of Grace Church, and Sovereign Grace Pasadena

Registration is now open. The sooner you sign up, the better. To see the full details and register, click the link below. Financial aid is available. If you have any questions, contact Melissa. The Lord blessed us with a great time together last year, and we can’t wait to see what he has in store for us this year!

Register for Celebration California 2022.

Andrew Maples
Check Out Our Upcoming Summer Events!

It All Starts Saturday at the Beach

We’ve got a busy schedule coming up. We’ll have basketball (8/9) and a day at the beach (8/12) next week. But it all begins with our Sovereign Grace Church Beach Day THIS SATURDAY (8/6)! Join us at Corona Del Mar State Beach from 10am-2pm. Meet at life guard tower #4. As always, these events are open to everyone so bring your family and friends! Check out our Facebook page for all the details and remember to check our Summer Events Calendar!

LatestAndrew Maples
Citizens of God's City

What Does It Mean to Belong to the People of God?

God’s people belong to God’s city. We are citizens of heaven. But what does this citizenship mean and what does it tell us about God? In this sermon, Pastor Mike helps us understand how Psalm 87 addresses these questions. It has much to say about God’s love, grace, and, perhaps most surprising of all, the unexpected population of God’s city.

Listen to the sermon here.

LatestAndrew Maples
Youth Meeting This Thursday

Come See How Your Faith Makes a Difference in Your Life

Each month, our students get together to learn, discuss, and discover how relevant the gospel is to our lives. Each week is something different, but we always have a good time together. Here’s the details:

  • Meet at Pastor Eric’s house from 7-9pm.

  • All junior and senior high school students are welcome to attend.

  • Come ready to talk and have a good time.

Feel free to bring your friends. There’s always an open invitation. If you have questions or need directions, contact Pastor Eric. You can also check out the Youth Ministry page on our website.

LatestAndrew Maples
Servin Send Off Reminder

Mark Your Calendars for this Friday

Don’t forget about our Servin Send Off Party this Friday(8/5)! Join us as we celebrate the Servin family with fellowship, dessert, and games. Here’s all you need to know:

  • Friday, August 5th from 6-8:30pm.

  • Shaffer Park Pavilion located at 1930 E Shaffer St, Orange 92865.

Please RSVP on Facebook or RSVP on Evite. You can find more details there as well. Contact Kirsi if you have any questions.

LatestAndrew Maples