Children's Ministry Memory Verses

You, Your Children, and The Grove

Here at the Grove, our goal is to teach and train the next generation of disciples. We want all our kids to trust Jesus, love the church, and embrace the gospel mission. That’s why we’ve introduced monthly memory verses!

The kids in our Roots class (4-7yrs) will be learning Scripture passages each month for a chance to win prizes. At the beginning of the month, we’ll introduce a new memory verse. We’ll practice saying the verse each Sunday of that month. On the last Sunday of the month, kids will have a chance to recite the verse and take their pick from our legendary treasure chest of prizes!

Our verse for August is Ephesians 4:32. It says, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

To help your kids practice throughout the week, we’ve made a print out of all our fall memory verses. You can access it below. It’s perfect to place on your fridge or wherever else you’ll see it. We hope it serves as a reminder to your kids to learn Scripture and as an opportunity to learn Scripture together as a family. We’ll have copies available each Sunday.

Click here for the Fall Memory Verse Schedule

LatestAndrew Maples