Why Have a Monthly Prayer Meeting?

A Few Reasons Why We Pray Together

We believe that prayer fuels the life and ministry of our church. But can’t we just pray alone from the comfort of our own homes? If God hears us wherever we are, why do we go out of our way to be together? It’s true that we should pray in solitude (Matt 6:6). But we should also pray together. For example, we see this all throughout the book of Acts. Believers frequently gather together for prayer (Acts 2:42). They pray for boldness (Acts 4:23-24). They pray for one another in suffering (Acts 12:5). The list goes on. And each time they pray, things happen and lives are changed.

Likewise, God hears us and meets us when we pray together. We also learn from one another and are better equipped to care for one another. In short, we expect to experience God’s power and presence while strengthening our bonds with one another.  There’s nothing like prayer.

Join us this Tuesday (26th) from 7-8pm at the Women’s Club. If you would like us to pray for you, submit a prayer request here. We look forward to seeing you this Tuesday!

LatestAndrew Maples
Resources for the Book of Acts

Dive Deeper Into the Book of Acts

Last week in our sermon series, we saw the gospel begin to make its way outside Jerusalem. Things are going according to plan and the gospel is going forward (Acts 1:8). As we keep making our way through the book of Acts, it’s helpful to stop, step back, and remind ourselves of where we have been and where we are going. Sometimes, this can be as simple as rereading or reviewing what we’ve covered so far. Other times, it’s helpful to bring in a few more sources. To that end, we wanted to remind you of a few resources that can help you learn more about Acts:

  1. A reader’s version of Acts with no chapters, verses, or headings. Make your way through this piece by piece, letting the book set the tone with no distractions.

  2. Acts: An Introduction and Commentary by I. Howard Marshall. This commentary is a great companion resource for our study. Consider grabbing yourself a copy.

If you’d like to know more, have questions about a topic, or desire more resources, don’t hesitate to talk to a pastor. We’d love to talk.

LatestAndrew Maples
From the Jews to the Gentiles

How God Makes His Message Available to All People

The gospel message is unlike anything humankind has ever known. It transcends cultures, it shapes history, and it transforms lives. But how did we get here? Acts 9:23-11:18 teaches us how the gospel is able to move from God’s chosen people to the ends of the world and ultimately be received by all sinful, unclean people. In three separate movements, we see how Peter ventures out from the safety and community of his home in Jerusalem and finds the power of God at work in the most unlikely of people and places.

Listen to the sermon here.

LatestAndrew Maples
Register for Celebration California 2022!

Three Churches. Two Days. One Mission.

You wanted it, so we’re bringing it back. Mark your calendars for Celebration California 2022! For those who don’t know, this is an annual weekend retreat with all the Sovereign Grace churches in California. There’s games, music, encouraging messages, activities for all ages, and plenty of time to relax with friends. Here’s what you need to know:

  • When: Sept 30th-Oct 2nd

  • Where: Idyllwild, CA

  • Who: SGCO, Cross of Grace Church, and Sovereign Grace Pasadena

Registration is now open. The sooner you sign up, the better. To see the full details and register, click the link below. Financial aid is available. If you have any questions, contact Melissa. The Lord blessed us with a great time together last year, and we can’t wait to see what he has in store for us this year!

Register for Celebration California 2022.

LatestAndrew Maples
Playdates at the Park

Reminder of Upcoming Summer Events

We’ll be together at Shaffer Park this Friday (22th) and next Wednesday (27th). This is a great time and place to bring your family and friends and spend unhurried time with one another. Here are the details:

  • Friday the 22th from 10:30am-1:30pm and Wednesday the 27th from 3:30-5:30pm.

  • Meet at Shaffer Park located at 1930 N Shaffer St 92865.

  • Family friendly.

  • Open invite.

Be sure to check our Playgroup Facebook page for updates. Also, be sure and bookmark our Summer Activities Calendar. We’ve got plenty of events coming up next month, and we want to see you there!

LatestAndrew Maples
Servin Send-Off Party

Help us say farewell to our dear friends

The Servin family is moving to Texas in August. We’re sad to see them go. They’re loved by our church and have been faithful members for many years. However, we’re excited for what the Lord has planned for them, and we want to send them off well. To that end, please join us as we celebrate the Servin family with fellowship, dessert, and games. Here are the details:

  • Friday, August 5th from 6-8:30pm.

  • Shaffer Park Pavilion located at 1930 E Shaffer St, Orange 92865.

Please RSVP on Facebook or RSVP on Evite. You can find more details there as well. Contact Kirsi if you have any questions.

LatestAndrew Maples
Does Membership Matter?

Why we have church membership and why it matters

We just had our Member Meeting. But for many, church membership might not seem important. Why do we have it? Is it really necessary? Is it even biblical? We believe it is. There’s many reasons for this. For example, churches throughout history have practiced membership, it helps elders effectively care for the congregation, it helps us care for one another, and it makes our commitment to Christ and his church visible. The list goes on. In short, membership helps establish, communicate, and sustain true gospel community.

That’s why we have a high view of church membership. We believe that God calls us to commit to a local church, and membership is our way of ensuring everyone who belongs to our congregation enjoys the benefits and privileges of being a part of our church. Membership is a blessing, and we praise God for this gift!

Interested in or have questions about joining our church? Click here to get in contact with a pastor.

LatestAndrew Maples
Up and Running Again

volunteer and get in shape all at the same time!

Up and Running Again is an organization that trains people living in rescue missions to complete half marathons. Their goal is to help provide a pathway to lifelong success by teaching hard work, discipline, and teamwork in a Gospel-driven context. They work with the Orange County Rescue Mission and our friends at the House of Hope. Through their unique approach, Up and Running Again has helped many individuals turn their lives around. And you can be a part of the process.

Beginning August 1st, you can run with our friends toward this goal. This is a fun environment that provides great opportunities for outreach. More details are forthcoming. For now, just get ready to race. If you’re interested or have questions, contact Diane.

Click here for the training schedule.

LatestAndrew Maples