Does Membership Matter?

Why we have church membership and why it matters

We just had our Member Meeting. But for many, church membership might not seem important. Why do we have it? Is it really necessary? Is it even biblical? We believe it is. There’s many reasons for this. For example, churches throughout history have practiced membership, it helps elders effectively care for the congregation, it helps us care for one another, and it makes our commitment to Christ and his church visible. The list goes on. In short, membership helps establish, communicate, and sustain true gospel community.

That’s why we have a high view of church membership. We believe that God calls us to commit to a local church, and membership is our way of ensuring everyone who belongs to our congregation enjoys the benefits and privileges of being a part of our church. Membership is a blessing, and we praise God for this gift!

Interested in or have questions about joining our church? Click here to get in contact with a pastor.

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