Who's Your One for July?

The Bible is for Unbelievers

We’re halfway through our year-long evangelism campaign. Last month, we discussed how to talk about sin with unbelievers. This month, let’s think about using Scripture in our evangelism.

The Bible is the best practical resource we have for evangelism. Yet there are many reasons we might shy away from inviting an unbelieving friend or family member to read it with us. We may think we aren’t equipped to teach it to them. We may be intimidated by their objections or attitude toward the Bible. We may think it won’t be effective because they’re convinced the Bible’s truth claims aren’t true or good.

But I think we should take our cues from one author who noted, “The effectiveness of the Scripture in evangelism is not determined by the belief of the individual to whom we are witnessing. God’s Word is powerful and works even in the heart of those who may say they don’t believe.” The words of Scripture are God’s words. Through those words, He gives new life to dead sinners. We should seek to expose our “ones” to the Bible no matter what they believe about it. They need God’s word, whether they realize it or not.

Now, we can only invite them to read it with us. We can’t make them do it. And we shouldn’t try. But we should offer to read it with them. And if they say yes, then open God’s word and let God do his good work through it.

Next Steps

  1. Decide who your “one” is for July and prepare to share about them with your small group. If you didn’t share the gospel with your “one” from last month, feel free to pick them and try again!

  2. Prepare to discuss with your small group what your “one” thinks about the Bible. Think together through which book or portion of Scripture would be wise to read with them. If you’re hesitant to open the Bible with your “one,” share with your small group what holds you back.

  3. Review the “Who’s Your One?” webpage and make use of the recommended resources at the bottom.

May we see the light of God’s word open the eyes of the blind.

LatestChurch Staff
Love Our Neighbors and Enjoy Local Events

Looking for ways to get involved with our community?

We love our city and strive to be active participates in community life. Each time we participate, it’s our joy to show God’s love through our actions and proclaim the Gospel in our conversations. Not sure how to be involved in the community? A great place to start is the Special Events page on the City of Orange website. You’ll find all kinds of fun events and activities. The next big event is the 3rd of July Celebration at Grijalva Park. If you’re looking for weekend plans, gather your friends and family and come enjoy food and fireworks with our neighbors!

LatestAndrew Maples
Shop Online? Use Amazon Smile

Support Our Church Using Amazon Smile

Many of us have turned to online shopping. If you use Amazon, you can donate 0.5% of all qualifying purchases to our church. There’s no additional cost. Simply click here and designate our church as the organization you want to support. Prefer to shop mobile? You can even use Amazon Smile in the mobile app by following these steps.

All proceeds go to our Opportunity Fund. This fund is used for strategic projects intended to extend and expand our ministry. This includes things like church planting, future leader development, new facilities, and global missions. It’s a quick and easy way for you to participate in our mission each time you shop.

LatestAndrew Maples
Ordinary Christians Proclaiming an Extraordinary Gospel

The ministry of the Gospel is first and foremost a ministry of Jesus Christ

Last Sunday, Pastor Dustin preached from Acts 8:1-40. This passage is about the evangelistic ministry of the church. God is moving his mission forward, and Christians are presented with all kinds of opportunities to proclaim the gospel. Like the Christians in Acts, our job is to seize the opportunities to share the Gospel that God has provided for us. And the best part? Jesus himself is constantly at work when the Gospel is proclaimed. This passage invites us to step back and marvel at what Jesus is doing through ordinary Christians proclaiming the gospel.

Listen to the sermon here.

LatestAndrew Maples
Saying Goodbye to Friends

Celebrating God’s Goodness in Our Time Together

Last Sunday, we said goodbye to a dear friend and loved church member. After several years of being a part of our church, Natalie is moving back home to be near her family. She had a chance to tell us goodbye and give a testimony about how God has used the church to help her grow in her faith. It’s so encouraging to hear how her faith has grown, and it’s been a blessing having her serve in our church.

It’s never easy to say goodbye. However, Christians know that the Lord has a plan and will use these things for good. So, we always want to be just as good at saying goodbye as we are at welcoming in. We celebrate the time God has given us with Natalie, and we look forward to seeing the good things God has in store for her in the future!

LatestAndrew Maples
Fun and Fellowship

The best way to spend summer is together

Come join us this Friday at Morrison Park for a time of fun and fellowship. This is a great time for families and church members to connect—we’ll even see our friends from Cross of Grace Church in Santa Ana! Here’s what you need to know:

  • Friday, July 1st

  • 10:30am-1:30pm

  • Morrison Park (2801 N Westwood Ave, Santa Ana, 92706)

  • Family and pet friendly!

This event is open to everyone. We encourage you to bring friends, neighbors, family, or anyone else that might be interested. For more information and other events, check out our Playgroup Facebook page. If you have any questions, contact Kirsi.

LatestAndrew Maples
Prayer Meeting TONIGHT

“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” Colossians 4:2

Scripture commands Christians to be persistent in prayer. We continually pray and remain watchful so that we won’t fall into temptation. Moreover, we don’t simply pray only to express our needs. Rather, as we express our needs, we also express thanksgiving for who God is and all he is doing. Prayer is persistent communion with God. This is why we pray—and we want you to join us! Here’s all you need to know:

  • What: Monthly Prayer Meeting

  • When: TONIGHT from 7-8pm

  • Where: Women’s Club

If you need directions or want to know more, check out our church website. We look forward to seeing you tonight!

LatestAndrew Maples
The Privilege of Prayer

Mark Your Calendars For Tuesday Night

Our God is a personal God. There couldn’t be a sweeter truth for the Christian. Far from being distant or quiet, God speaks to his people and delights when they come before him in prayer. This is why we pray. It is a chance to encounter and converse with God.

Join us this Tuesday night at the Women’s Club from 7-8pm for our monthly prayer meeting. This is a special time shared by our church. Each month, we expect to see great things from God. We look forward to seeing you there!

Andrew Maples