Lend Your Voice

Join Our Christmas Eve Choir

Our annual Christmas Eve service will be here soon. Each year we invite singers of all skill levels to join our choir to make our songs sound even more beautiful.

Here are the requirements to join:

  1. You love to sing

  2. You can commit to one rehearsal before Christmas Eve

  3. You can arrive early on Christmas Eve

If you meet those requirements then fill out the interest form and we will be in touch.

Deadline to sign up is this Sunday 12/19

LatestChurch Staff
What Is The Incarnation?

The incarnation refers literally to the in-fleshing of the eternal Son of God — Jesus “putting on our flesh and blood” and becoming fully human. The doctrine of the incarnation claims that the eternal second person of the Trinity took on humanity in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. A helpful way to remember the key aspects of the incarnation is the summary statement of John 1:14: “The Word became flesh.”

The Word

The Word refers to the eternal divine Son who was “in the beginning with God” and who himself is God (John 1:1). From eternity past until he took on humanity, the Son of God existed in perfect love, joy, and harmony in the fellowship of the Trinity. Like the Father and the Spirit, he was spirit and had no material substance. But at the incarnation, the eternal Word entered into creation as human. He became a first-century Jew.


Became does not mean that he ceased to be God. In becoming man, he did not forsake his divine nature, as if that were even an option. Rather, he became man by taking on human nature in addition to his divine nature. It is essential to the incarnation — and very helpful throughout all theology — to recognize that divinity and humanity are not mutually exclusive. The Son of God didn’t have to pick between being God and being man. He could be both at the same time. The eternal Word became human.


Flesh isn’t merely a reference to the human body but the entirety of what makes up humanity — body, mind, emotions, and will. Hebrews 2:17 and 4:15 teach that to save human beings Jesus had to be made like us “in every respect” except our sin. In the incarnation, everything proper to humanity was united to the Son of God. The Son of God did not only become like man; he actually became truly and fully human.

The Word Became Flesh

So the eternal Son of God, without ceasing to be God, took on a fully human nature. This is what Christians have long called “the incarnation.”

And what a magnificent truth and fuel for worship this is. Jesus didn’t just become man because he could. This was no circus stunt, just for show. He became man, in the world of the ancient creed, “for us and for our salvation.” The eternal Word became frail human flesh and blood to save us from our sin and to free us to marvel at and enjoy the unique union of divinity and humanity in his one spectacular person.

The incarnation is not only the way in which Jesus became Immanuel — God with us — but it’s an eternal testimony that he and his Father are unswervingly for us.

[This article was written by David Mathis and originally appeared on Desiring God.]

LatestChurch Staff
Prepare For Your Last Day Today


On Sunday Pastor Dustin preached from Genesis 47:1-31. The passage reveals the burdens and concerns weighing on the heart of the old man Jacob as he puts his affairs in order. How can we prepare for our last day today? Expect God to provide in unexpected ways. Embrace the call to be pilgrims. Hold fast to God’s great and precious promises. If we do, we’ll be ready for our last day whenever that day arrives.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Help Us Spread The Word

Our Christmas Eve service is two weeks away! Personal invitations are the best way to get people there to hear the gospel. That’s why we need your help.

Here are three ways you can let others know they’re invited to Christmas Eve:

  1. Download this flyer and email or text it to family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers.

  2. RSVP to our Christmas Eve event on Facebook and share it on your Facebook page. The more of us who RSVP the more people will see the event.

  3. We’ll have printed flyers available this Sunday for you. Grab a few and pass them out.

May the hope of Christ shine in peoples’ hearts on Christmas Eve!

LatestChurch Staff
Manage Your Money For God's Glory

Take Advantage of the Money Management Class

Do you have debt you can’t seem to pay down?
Are you having trouble creating and keeping a budget?
Are you stressed by the state of your finances?
Do you wish you could be more generous?

Once a year we offer a course on the biblical principles of financial stewardship. The classes are conducted in a small group setting, using a discussion format and curriculum adapted from Crown Ministries and Money and the Gospel.

10 classes on Mondays beginning January 24th

Les and Sue lead the class. Their mentorship is invaluable. Check out testimonies of those who’ve been impacted by the class here, here, and here.

Materials cost $30 per person or $55 per couple. Scholarships are available.

The deadline to register is January 16th

Spots are limited. Sign up today!

Prepare For Deliverance

God Takes You Where You Don’t Want to Go
to Save You from Things You Can’t Yet See

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from Genesis 46:1-34. The old patriarch Jacob is being asked to go down to Egypt - a place typically hostile to him and his people. He’s being asked to go out of the land God had promised to him and his people. And so far, we have no clue why. Sometimes God asks us to go to places we don’t want to go to do things we don’t want to do for reasons we don’t understand. We must follow Him in faith.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Lend Your Voice

Join Our Christmas Eve Choir

Our annual Christmas Eve service will be here soon. Each year we invite singers to join our choir to make our songs sound even more beautiful.

To join, all we require is:

  1. You love to sing (we welcome singers of all skill levels)

  2. You can commit to one rehearsal before Christmas Eve

  3. You can arrive early on Christmas Eve

If you meet those requirements then fill out the interest form and we will be in touch.

LatestChurch Staff