Understanding the Times

A Worldview Class for High School Students

Attention high school students! We want you to know about an opportunity this next school year to get equipped with a biblical worldview. Steve Whitacre, one of the pastors of Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville, is teaching an online worldview course called Understanding the Times. High school seniors and juniors are able to take the course for college credit. It begins on August 23, 2021.

Registration Deadline This Week:
Friday, August 13th

Click here for more information and to get registered.

If you have any other questions about the class, contact the church office and we will put you in touch with Steve Whitacre.

LatestChurch Staff
I Lost My Joy

Joy Restored

On Sunday, church member Cesar Juarez preached his first-ever sermon from Psalm 119:9-16. He reminded us that true joy is found in following Jesus. Our sense of joy waxes and wanes throughout the Christian life. When we lose it, there’s a clear path to get it back. God’s written Word directs us to His Living Word. When we obey Jesus, we will delight in Jesus, and share Jesus — the source of all lasting joy.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Church Musicians Wanted

Being a musician in our church is a joy. There's nothing more rewarding than leading people in song who love to sing. And Sovereign Grace Church loves to sing!

We make music for the glory of God.
We make musicians who glorify God.

Our aim on the worship team is to make musicians who exhibit "undistracting excellence" as they lead the church to sing for the glory of God. Our musicians are servants who get more joy from the praises of God’s people than playing their instrument.

If you have musical talent, we want to hear from you.

We’re looking for more musicians to join us! Would you consider it? You need to be a member or a regular attender pursuing membership. The commitment is for 1 year beginning in September. Sign-ups end on August 15th.

Email Pastor Dustin and he will get you more details.

God’s Extraordinary Work and Our Ordinary Faithfulness

Committed to the Basics

Pastor, author, and speaker Kevin DeYoung encourages us to be ordinary Christians waiting on an extraordinary God. Let him help shape your perspective on everyday life in the church:

People are going to have stereotypes; they’re going to jump to conclusions. We cannot control how people view the church. But we can control what they have to view.

There are some people who would say, “I’d rather be wrong with the pagans then right with the Christians.” But wouldn’t it be wonderful if people said, “I don’t agree with their faith, but it is hard to disagree with their example. See how they love each other. Look at their courage and compassion. Look at their character. I wish I had that.”

That’s what we hope people will see, but we can’t change their eyes. So we must keep plodding along, whether anyone likes it or not, or even notices.

This is the balance that healthy churches must embrace: faith in God to do the extraordinary and our resolve to keep doing the ordinary. If the early church had just waited around for the miracles to come, people wouldn’t have been saved, the church wouldn’t have grown, the church wouldn’t have been healthy. But because the early Christians were praying and proclaiming and working through the tough stuff of life together, when God decided to do the extraordinary, they were ready.

Are you and your church committed to the basics: to prayer, proclamation, and being a practicing Christian community? If we will make that our aim and keep doing it year after year, who knows how big the flame will be when God decides to light a match and lay it at the kindling of our faithfulness.

This article originally appeared on The Gospel Coalition blog.

LatestChurch Staff
It's Us Against the World

Nope. It’s Jesus against the world.

On Sunday Deacon Dave Christensen preached from Psalm 2. Oftentimes it feels like it’s us against the world. But the world is fighting against Jesus, yet He continues to reign. We have nothing to fear. Our gracious King is protecting us from the world while He offers Himself to the world as their only hope.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
A Christ-Centered People

Our Denomination’s Summer Journal

Sovereign Grace Churches has just published their most recent journal. The theme is “A Christ-Centered People.” Pastors from around the globe have written stirring articles on our life together as the people of Christ, along with book reviews and recommendations.

Access the journal here.

If you only have time for one article, we recommend To Live is Christ: Lessons Learned in the Valley of Darkness by Todd Peterson. His experience with a life-threatening illness and a living Savior will strengthen your faith.

LatestChurch Staff