Hold Fast the Center

We must cherish and protect the gospel.

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Timothy 6:20-21. As we finished the book of 1 Timothy, he reminded us that the message has been consistent. Churches must be filled with people who love the gospel, proclaim the gospel, and live in light of the gospel. We each have a part to play. We do it all with full dependence upon God.

Listen to the sermon.

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Leaders Who Love You

Our small group ministry isn't just one option among many ministries of the church, this is everyone’s ministry.

Big Meetings. Small Meetings.

Our life together is organized into two primary contexts. Our big meetings are our Sunday services. Our small meetings are our small groups. This is where we get to pursue one another and grow in our understanding of the gospel and how it applies to our lives. Without small groups, we wouldn't be able to love one another because we wouldn't know one another. 

Our small group leaders meet regularly for training, fellowship, and prayer. 

They are meeting tonight from 7:30pm-9:00pm. Join us in praying for them. Use the passage below as a guide.

“…that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:2-3 ESV)

LatestChurch Staff
Giving On Sundays

We now take cash and checks on Sundays.

We thank God for your generosity. It’s more than just finances. You give your time and talents. You share your homes and hearts. In all these ways, thank you for glorifying God as you serve us.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have not accepted cash or checks during our services. Many of you have adjusted to giving online, which has helped us weather the pandemic with no interruption to church operations.

Now, we have an offering box where you can deposit cash and checks either before, during, or after our service. Look for it near the entrance of the garden.

We hope you feel the pleasure of God and our gratitude as you worship through giving.

LatestChurch Staff
February Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meetings 2021.png

“Our praying, however, needs to be pressed and pursued with an energy that never tires, a persistency which will not be denied, and a courage which never fails.”
– E. M. Bounds

There are few things more important for a church than to pray together. As Christians, we’re pardoned, accepted, and welcomed into our Father’s presence. He hears our prayers and responds. Add your voice to ours as we ask God to do what only He can do.

Thursday at 7pm
Old Towne Orange

Get all the details right here and join us.

*Sync with our master calendar to make sure you never miss a church meeting.

LatestChurch Staff
What Grounds You?

The Sovereignty of God

On Sunday Pastor Kyle Houlton from our sister church in Santa Ana, preached from Acts 5:17-42. He reminded us that the sovereignty of God is the church’s timeless confidence. Even when our lives appear out of control, God is completely in control. Our trust in God will eventually be vindicated, even if his purposes are unclear now. We set our hopes upon the One who brought the greatest good from the greatest suffering ever endured, Christ on the cross.

Listen to the sermon.

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Our Newest Members

Chris and Bree’s Testimony

On Sunday, we welcomed Chris and Bree as church members. Chris shared a testimony of the good work God has done as they’ve been getting to know Sovereign Grace Church:

“Back in 2016, the Lord was leading us to find a new home church where. Bree and I were engaged and felt the Lord leading us into a new season. It was around this time that our friends Israel and Nestor introduced us to Sovereign Grace Church here in Orange.

Everything about Sovereign Grace was different from what we had previously known. The size of the congregation, the music, and even the style of preaching. But ever since the first time we visited, we knew that this was the change we needed. We began visiting more frequently, and became regular “on and offers.” Since then, the Lord has taught us that worship, sermons, and everything about church is to glorify him, and only him. We were being taken out of our comfort zone and that’s exactly what God wanted for us; to be uncomfortable and to get closer to him.

We are so glad that God has called us to become members of Sovereign Grace Church because the biggest blessing we have received has been the teachings of the gospel and the truth of the entire word of God. Sovereign Grace has held God‘s word to the utmost standard. No deviations, no fluff. We value how much Sovereign Grace values the word and how the pastoral team has not failed to nurture my family as we grow deeper with Christ.

We are so grateful that the Lord has allowed us to become members of this church because we know we are being led by loving and caring pastors. We look forward to spending more time getting to know you. Bree and I are honored and grateful to become members of Sovereign Grace.”

LatestChurch Staff
Is It On Your Calendar?


Our annual communion service is only a few weeks away! It’ll be different this year. We’ll be outside. We won’t be sharing food. But we will be together. We will eat the bread and drink the cup. We will sing. We will contemplate and celebrate the death of Christ as we focus our service around the Lord’s Supper.

The service starts at 12pm. So you get a little bit of time to make up for lost sleep as we “spring ahead.” It’s bring your own lunch. Families will stay together. Guests are welcome. Take a moment to read our thoughts on the biblical practice of communion.

Let’s feast for the glory of Jesus and good of our souls.

Details for the service are here.

Contact the church office if you’d like to help.

LatestChurch Staff
Another Way to Be Generous

We now take cash and checks on Sundays.

We’re so grateful to be a part of a church that gives generously and willingly. And not just financially. You give your time and talents. You share your homes and hearts. In all these ways, thank you for glorifying God and blessing us.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have not accepted cash or checks during our services. Many of you have adjusted to giving online, which has helped us weather the pandemic with no interruption to church operations.

Now, we have an offering box where you can drop cash and checks either before, during, or after our service. Look for it near the entrance of the garden.

We hope you feel the pleasure of God and our gratitude as you worship through giving.

LatestChurch Staff