Know And Be Known

Rooted and built up in Christ

Our small groups meet on Wednesday and Friday next week. Even though we’re meeting online, God is still powerfully using our love, our counsel, and our prayers to build each other up. The coronavirus hasn’t stopped him or his church.

Join us in praying that God would bless these meetings. Pray for wise and skillful leadership by our small group leaders. Pray for joyful participation, gratitude for the gift of fellowship, and an abounding love for one another in Christ.

Get an invite to a small group.

Church Staff
Together At Last (Kind Of)

One Down
??? To Go

A huge thank you to those who attended our first in-person service since the pandemic began. An especially huge thank you to the heroic volunteers who arrived early and stayed late to provide a functional and safe space for us to meet. And to those who joined online, thank you for being a part of us! We can’t wait until everyone is back together in the same place at the same time.

We don’t know how long this will continue. We’ll make adjustments along the way. Thanks again for being flexible and cheerfully following our service guidelines.

LatestChurch Staff
We're Never Going Back

A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity

On Sunday Pastor Eric preached from John 8:12 in our first in-person service since the pandemic began. This quarantine has changed our lives. Whether we believe it’s been good or bad, we can’t deny that it has given us the rare opportunity to ponder anew who Jesus is and why we follow him. May we resist the temptation to take him for granted. He is the center of our lives, our church, and the entire cosmos. No matter what happens, he is everything to us.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Details For This Sunday's In-Person Service

It's been 12 Sundays since we canceled in-person church services. That changes this Sunday. We are meeting for corporate worship.

Outdoor Service
Woman's Club Gardens
Doors open at 10:00am

We're excited to be together again! However, this service will not feel normal. We've put a number of measures in place to ensure that we follow the guidelines of our local and state officials. We’re doing it by the book.

The service is outdoors. Keeping services outside is urged by the experts and we have a great space to do it. Outside services allow us to include up to 100 attendees (inside would be limited to 60). We're hoping to do this through the summer. Bring your sunscreen and small personal shade device. The services will go for 1-hour max.

Households are seated together. When you arrive, line up at either gate entrance to the garden maintaining a 6-foot physical distance from other households. Ushers at the gate will allow families in together to grab their chairs. Ushers in the garden will then direct you to the spot you can setup your chairs. We'll put out 100 chairs and once they're all used up, we're out of spots. If we run out of chairs, you'll be able to view the service on our livestream.

Stay in your household groups. This may be the hardest part. We're affectionate people. But we're asking you to keep physical distance from anyone not in your household. No handshakes, hugs, or high fives. Opt for air fives and air hugs instead. If you have children, they will need to stay with you. We are not offering childcare at this time.

Use our digital bulletin. Our order of service and song lyrics will be available at The page will be updated every Friday. You're welcome to print it out beforehand and bring it with you or bring an iPad so you can see the lyrics well.

Wear a mask during singing. We're not requiring attendees to wear a mask for the whole service, but we do recommend it. However, we are asking you to wear a mask while we sing. It'll only be three songs per Sunday. Young children do not need to wear masks.

Leave after the service. We know it'll be difficult not to stay and catch up with your friends. But we have to urge you out of the garden so that our Sunday teams can pack everything up and disinfect while keeping physical distance. 

Watch the live stream. It's almost painful for us to write that. We wish everyone could join us in-person. But if you're considered high-risk for the virus, please stay home and watch on our live stream. You can access it on our Youtube channel. If you have young children and aren't sure they'll be able to sit with you for the 1-hour service or if you’re not ready to be in a large group gathering, there's no shame in staying home. As we’ve already been doing, let’s find creative ways for you to stay connected.

For now, we’re only planning through the end of June. We're re-evaluating as we go. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we learn how to do this.

Contact the church office with your questions.

“Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!”
Psalm 34:3

LatestChurch Staff
A New Addition

Sophie Rose

Congratulations to parents, Kelsey and Robert, big sister Charlotte, and big brother Caleb!

Contact Kristin for details about their Meal Train and a drive-by baby shower on June 13.

Church Staff