What Are We Up To?

Life is changing rapidly for everyone. Kids are home from school and parents are home from work. Events and hangouts are canceled. It’s tough.

We’re regularly providing a window into the lives of our church members through the photos below. It’s a sweet reminder that we’re weathering this pandemic together.

We’d love to include you in a future post! Send your pictures to photos@sovgraceoc.org with a brief description.

“I’ve been learning how to teach private music lessons virtually! It’s been a fun new challenge to teach in this capacity.” -Alie W

“We love riding bikes. Recently, we took a ride on local Orange bike trails to enjoy the outdoors. Couples that ride together stay together!” -Abbey and Andrew P

“Emilia has been enjoying outdoor fingerpainting.” -Paul and April K

“We’re getting used to homeschooling Lincoln.” -Sandra and Angel Z

“I haven’t had much work this year, almost zero since September. All of a sudden I have a bunch of CAD calculations to do today for Orange Coast College. My music gear is waiting patiently behind my work laptop. This is where I’ve worked from home for the last 2 years.” -Chris B

“Gyms are closed so Robert gets his work out with kids in tow. The kids call it the choo choo train.” -Kelsey and Robert P

“Spending most of our time on the patio in the pool! Huston loves having mom and dad home all day, everyday!” -Billy and Mackenzie T

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Serving Our City

On our Thursday Night Live call last night, we heard about volunteer needs in our city. The links are below. Consider how you might use this extraordinary time to show the compassion of Christ to our neighbors.

Orange Senior Center
Food distribution for local seniors

Friendly Center
Food distribution to families and individuals in need

Mary’s Kitchen
Food distribution to families and individuals in need

OC Rescue Mission
Drop off supplies or make donations for families in need

LatestChurch Staff
Sunday Morning Live On Easter

Beginning Easter Sunday

On April 12, 2020 we will have our first Sunday Morning Live. These video calls will create a context for the pastors to teach the scriptures and for church members to share updates and prayers. These calls will take the place of the Sunday Guide.

We’ve opted for a video call because it allows you to participate rather than just spectate. Even while we’re apart, our pastors want to preserve the every-member-ministry of our church.

The typical agenda for each meeting is below.


Prayers & Testimonies

Scripture Reading


Pastoral Prayer



Every church member and regular attender in our church directory will receive an email invitation to the call. Email the church office to be added to our distribution list. Stay tuned for more info about our first meeting on Easter Sunday.

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Thursday Night Live Week 3

We’ll See You Thursday!

While our services and events are canceled, we’re hosting a weekly video call with the pastors. It’s a regular opportunity to receive updates, engage with the pastors, and pray. It’s no replacement for being together, but it’s a gift for this season.

Our call is on for this Thursday from 8pm-9pm. Last week we heard testimonies from two families in the church, received a financial update from our deacons, and were encouraged to be good stewards during this crisis and position ourselves for generosity.

Tomorrow we will email a link with instructions to all church members and regular attenders in our directory. If you’re a regular attender of Sovereign Grace Church and would like to be included, please fill out this form and we’ll get you the information.

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Set Aside Friday For Healthcare Professionals

“…in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
-Philippians 4:6

Our denomination is asking all churches to set aside this Friday, April 3rd to pray for our healthcare professionals. We’ve included the full text of the blog post below. You can also access it here.

The Bible is sufficient for all of life, at all times, even in the midst of a global pandemic. God is good to tell us what to do in tribulation, like the COVID-19 pandemic we are all walking through together. God tells us in Romans 12 to “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Rom. 12:12, ESV).

Being constant in prayer sounds like a good thing to do right now. Therefore, I’m asking the members and pastors of Sovereign Grace Churches to devote this Friday, April 3 to a Day of Prayer for Healthcare Professionals who are serving during the COVID-19 pandemic. These men and women are on the front lines, at the risk of their own health, to care for those who are sick. We, as a family of churches, thank God for them and the many sacrifices they are making. Here are a few ways you can join me in praying for the health care workers serving around the globe:

  • Ask God to protect them from contracting the COVID-19 virus as they care for the sick.

  • Ask God to strengthen them for the long hours they are working in hospitals and clinics.

  • Ask God to comfort them when they need to spend time separated from family and friends.

  • Ask God to provide the equipment, medicine, and supplies they need to care for those infected with the COVID-19 virus.

  • Ask God to encourage them especially during difficult and challenging days.

  • Ask God to use Christian health care workers to communicate the love of Christ to patients and co-workers looking for opportunities to share the hope of the gospel.

Thanks for being constant in prayer.

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Are You Ready For Sunday?

Sunday Guide #3

This coming Sunday morning we’ll send you another Sunday Guide. You’ll receive a brief video update from a pastor, a biblical meditation on the church, and a list of specific prayer requests. Use this moment to stir your heart for the day we gather together again.

The email arrives in your inbox at 10:30am. We’re doing this at the same time as our normal services to keep the familiar rhythm in our lives. If you’re willing, snap a photo and post it online with the hashtag #otosundays.

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Follow Up From Thursday Night Live

Our second Thursday Night Live call was a hit. Though the call officially lasted from 8pm-9pm, we were on with church members for nearly 2 hours. Some were early and many stayed late just to chat. For a moment, it felt like we were hanging out after a Sunday service. Absence continues to make our hearts grow fonder.

We covered a handful of topics on the call, but the major one was finances. Deacon Les Card gave wonderful input on pursuing counsel with our financial decisions. We received information on how benevolence works. Those who are financially stable were encouraged to set aside money to help fellow brothers and sisters and to consider giving to the benevolence fund.

Below we’ve included links that were mentioned on the call:

We look forward to seeing you again next Thursday night.

LatestDustin Smetona