Pursuing Unity During An Outbreak

The COVID-19 outbreak has drawn out many acts of generosity and goodwill. Communities are rallying. Politicians and officials are seeking the public good. Individuals are caring for their neighbors. In our church alone there are numerous accounts of self-sacrificial service. Praise God!

But there’s a downside too. A global outbreak of this magnitude exposes faultlines in relationships. We disagree over how to apply government directives. We disagree over what measures we should take to love our neighbor by slowing the spread of the virus. We disagree on which news sources are trustworthy. These disagreements make their way into the church.

Equipping You to Pursue Unity

A pastor in China has published a timely article with biblical reflections on unity and disunity in the midst of the virus. We encourage you to read and apply his insights. Doing so will bring joy to our fellowship as we preserve and display the precious unity for which Jesus died.

Read the article.

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What Are We Up To?

Life is changing rapidly for everyone. Kids are home from school and parents are home from work. Events and hangouts are canceled. It’s tough.

We’re regularly providing a window into the lives of our church members through the photos below. It’s a sweet reminder that we’re weathering this pandemic together.

We’d love to include you in a future post! Send your pictures to photos@sovgraceoc.org with a brief description.

“We added a remote office to our home gym. Wes’ commute is short. Only one floor up and down the stairs!” -Wes and Natalie H

“We’re keeping our son James busy with a craft project, getting some fresh air, and enjoying extra time to snuggle on the couch.” -Keith and Stephanie C

“Here we are enjoying some sun! We don’t go to the parks, but we do walk around our neighborhood to stretch our legs, get some sun, and enjoy one another. Such weird times. But we’re glad to have each other and our church.” -Israel and Bethany C

“I attempted to smoke a pork shoulder on a 14-inch grill. I burned the bottom slightly, but it turned out good!” -Ben S

“Work, school, and play all at the kitchen table. We’re enjoying the extra time together.” -Matt M

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We're A Zoom Church

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything, including how we “do church.” For the sake of simplicity, we’ve decided to move all that we can to Zoom, a video conferencing platform. We’re already doing Thursday Night Live and other meetings on this platform. And beginning Easter Sunday, we’ll have Sunday Morning Live on Zoom as well (stay tuned for more details).

Zoom is free and user-friendly. It allows us to see and speak to one another in real-time. It’s the next best thing to being with you in-person.

Tips for Being the Best Zoom Church Member You Can Be

Below are 3 simple suggestions that will make a big difference.

  1. Join the call a few minutes early. If you need to download the program or app, you’ll have time to get it installed. If you’re having technical difficulties, you’ll have time to get them solved. And as an added bonus, those who join early get extra time to talk to each other!

  2. Keep yourself muted unless you’re talking. This helps reduce background noises and distractions. Sometimes a moderator will have control and you’ll have to use the chat function to communicate.

  3. In general, keep your video on so we can see your beautiful face. There are some good reasons to hide your video (like if you’re in the restroom!). But if at all possible, let’s keep our cameras on so we can see one another.

If you have any questions or bump into any issues, contact our Zoom Wizard.

LatestChurch Staff
Thursday Night Live Week 2

We’ll See You Thursday!

While our services and events are canceled, we’re hosting a weekly video call with the pastors. It’s a regular opportunity to receive updates, engage with the pastors, and pray. It’s no replacement for being together, but it’s a gift for this season.

We’re on a Zoom call this Thursday evening from 8pm-9pm. Last week we got to meet the newest baby in the church (Samuel Jackson), we heard specific prayer requests, we were updated on plans for Easter, and we were encouraged to prepare to be generous as this pandemic impacts our communities economically.

An email link with instructions to join the call will be sent to all members. If you’re a regular attender of Sovereign Grace Church and would like to be included, please fill out this form and we’ll get you the information.

LatestChurch Staff
What Are We Up To?

Life is rapidly changing for everyone. Kids are home from school and parents are home from work. Events and hangouts are canceled. It’s tough. We wanted to provide a little window into some of these changes as a reminder that we’re all in this together.

Below we’ve included photos from members with a short note. If you’d like to be included in a future blog post, please send a picture to photos@sovgraceoc.org with a brief description.

“Storytime with grandkids in Germany.” -Les and Sue C

“This past February I attended a two and a half week academy in Charleston, SC to become an official Chaplain through my agency. It is an honor to serve and minister to my coworkers in an official capacity, and I pray that God would use me to bring healing to those who are hurting or broken and proclaim the gospel to them.” -Tony F

“I'm an accountant. Tax season is busy for us, but now that the deadline has moved back work is slowing down. I'm enjoying extra time with my wife and daughter.” -Dylan S

“My job has always been remote. This is what my coffee breaks look like.” -Daniel J


“My work in the City of Irvine’s transportation department is staying busy.” -Mike D


“Packing up my office and rebuilding it at my kitchen table.” -Dave C

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