We're A Zoom Church

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything, including how we “do church.” For the sake of simplicity, we’ve decided to move all that we can to Zoom, a video conferencing platform. We’re already doing Thursday Night Live and other meetings on this platform. And beginning Easter Sunday, we’ll have Sunday Morning Live on Zoom as well (stay tuned for more details).

Zoom is free and user-friendly. It allows us to see and speak to one another in real-time. It’s the next best thing to being with you in-person.

Tips for Being the Best Zoom Church Member You Can Be

Below are 3 simple suggestions that will make a big difference.

  1. Join the call a few minutes early. If you need to download the program or app, you’ll have time to get it installed. If you’re having technical difficulties, you’ll have time to get them solved. And as an added bonus, those who join early get extra time to talk to each other!

  2. Keep yourself muted unless you’re talking. This helps reduce background noises and distractions. Sometimes a moderator will have control and you’ll have to use the chat function to communicate.

  3. In general, keep your video on so we can see your beautiful face. There are some good reasons to hide your video (like if you’re in the restroom!). But if at all possible, let’s keep our cameras on so we can see one another.

If you have any questions or bump into any issues, contact our Zoom Wizard.

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