Serve Others By Your Choice Of Seat

Sundays mornings are a whirlwind. There are volunteers setting up. Sunday school in the garden. The worship team rehearsing. Guests arriving early. Families racing to get there on time.

It’s mayhem, but we love it. Every Sunday God draws us together.

There is one way that you could help us make Sundays a little less chaotic and more seamless:

Scoot to the center

If there’s a big gap of chairs between you and the other folks in your row, close the gap. This makes it easier for those arriving after you to quickly and easily find a seat. It’s a simple and kind way to serve others.

Thank you for loving one another, even in the small things

Church Staff
Our First Sermon From First Peter

Faithful Christians in a Post-Christian World

Pastor Eric preached from 1 Peter 1:1-2. It’s a brief introduction and greeting but don’t tune out. These few words set the tone for the whole letter. We need God to equip us to be faithful Christians in a post-Christian world. In order to do so, we must remember that we are fundamentally who God says we are.

Listen to the sermon.

SermonChurch Staff
Staffing Change This Fall

We are planning some big changes in how we staff our church and mission. The last few years have taught us a lot about being a church-planting church and our first move affects our administrative assistant Anne.

We have made the difficult decision to eliminate Anne’s position. She is transitioning off of our staff this fall. Nothing will happen fast, but it will take some adjustments from all of us. She has played a vital role in equipping and supplying the needs of so many teams and leaders at Sovereign Grace Church. She has served us so well over the last four years. We thank God for her and are working with her to ensure a smooth transition.

You will hear more about this on Sunday but we wanted you to be the first to know. This is a strategic move to position us all to bear good fruit for years to come. May we continue to do all that we can do to spread the joy of Jesus in Old Towne Orange and beyond.

Church Staff
Registration Is Open For Our 2020 Men's Retreat

Registration is now open for our every-other-year Men’s Retreat. The three Sovereign Grace churches of California are joining forces for another weekend of teaching, fellowship, food, and competitions. Our last one was fantastic.

Thursday 2/6/2020 to Saturday 2/8/2020
Idyllwild, CA

Ben Kreps, a pastor from our sister church in Harrisburg, PA, is joining us. Our theme is “The Power of God: How the Gospel Conquers Men.” Young men ages 14 and up are welcome to join.

More details are available on the registration page.

Men, make this investment in your own growth and in our partnership. Ladies, make sure your man gets up there.

Scholarships and financial aid are available. Spots are limited, so secure yours ASAP.

I'm ready to register.

LatestChurch Staff
We've Trained Another Worship Leader

On Sunday we heard a testimony from Wes Hanson about his 1-year worship leader apprenticeship. Wes has served faithfully and skillfully. When he leads the singing on Sunday morning, we love to sing along. He exhibits the heart and skill of a worship leader, one who seeks to lift our eyes to Christ.

We’re grateful to him and his wife, Natalie, for committing the time to be trained and to grow. It has borne good fruit. And we’re grateful Wes will be continuing to lead congregational singing on Sunday mornings at Sovereign Grace.

Here’s what Wes shared with us on Sunday:

It is such a blessing to be with you today. I am so grateful for the opportunity I’ve had over the past year to work with Pastor Dustin on leading you, my brothers and sisters, in worshiping our Lord and Savior. Ever since Natalie and I stepped foot in this church, we could tell it was full of joyful people who loved to sing to God. And it’s been a gift to help you do just that, magnifying the Lord together.

Over the past year, with Bob Kauflin and Sovereign Grace Music’s help, Dustin and I ran the gamut on why we sing, how we should lead, crafting a liturgy, even loving and serving our pastors and fellow musicians. Here were my biggest take aways:

The first is that music is crucial to the life of the church. Although faithful preaching from the Word of God is essential to our gatherings, I was reminded that not many people come away from a Sunday humming the 3 sermon points. However, they just might be humming the chorus from one of the songs we sung. Having the best news in the world, the gospel, embedded in every song we sing, is monumentally important for a healthy church.

Second, you don’t have to be perfect to serve in a capacity like this. Every musician out there knows that we are our own worst critics, and I am no exception. But it is liberating to know that Jesus Christ is our true worship leader, and he perfects all of our feeble efforts to please God.

Lastly, leading worship is not about me. This experience has been humbling and God-exalting. This role is just one of so many in the body of Christ. And I was always reminded that it’s not about me, how well I thought I did, or how you perceived my “performance.” It’s about magnifying his power in my weakness. It’s about shifting our focus from ourselves to the glorious Christ and worshiping Him rightly.  It’s about all of you, your perception of Christ, whether you saw him rightly and gloriously on a given Sunday.

With all that said, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to Dustin for spending his time equipping to equip me (and for buying me coffee once a month), and of course, my wife, for the sacrifice of her time, and every little thing she does to support me. And I also want to thank all the other musicians who have served faithfully every Sunday; I couldn’t have thrived without your constant support and input. 

And the same goes for all of you, for your feedback, steadfast encouragement through it all, and for always being the loudest singers in the room. Thank you for letting me continue to lead you in that endeavor.

But truly, both today and forever, all glory and thanksgiving go to our Triune God.

If you have a desire to be trained and equipped for church leadership, let the pastors know you’re interested. We want to train the next generation of church leaders in Orange County.

LatestChurch Staff
Read Through 1 Peter

“The most condensed New Testament résumé of the Christian faith and of the conduct that it inspires…”

This week we begin our detour from the book of Genesis and hear the first sermon in our new series from the book of 1 Peter. There are many ways to prepare to study this book, but here’s the best way:

Read It

To make for easy reading, we’ve created a PDF with no chapter or verse divisions. Set aside 30 minutes, pray for the Spirit to prepare your heart, read, and expect the Lord to meet you. This will be good for your soul and good for the church.

Take me to the PDF of 1 Peter.

If you want to go above and beyond, check out the video and other resources on 1 Peter provided by The Bible Project.

LatestChurch Staff
The Dangers Threatening Christians Today

2019-20 Youth Meetings

Our youth group meetings begin next week on the 2nd Thursdays of each month. This year our youth are engaging in a 9-session study titled “The Greatest Dangers Threatening Christians Today.” They’ll be covering everything from legalism to individualism to entertainment culture.

Pastor Eric is leading the discussions. 7th-12th graders from inside and outside the church are welcome to join in.

Contact the church office if you’d like to get info about our next meeting.

LatestChurch Staff
Read Scripture With The Women Of Our Church

Keep the Feast

Our Women’s Ministry Director, Kirsi Turbedsky, and a group of women just finished a Summer reading challenge. They celebrated last week and shared the many ways God met them as they engaged Him through His word.

They’re starting again this Fall and you can join in on the Keep the Feast Bible Reading Challenge. It begins Monday, September 9th and goes through May. You’ll cover the entire Bible reading about 6 chapters a day with a day off each week. The challenge is to keep going, not to check off every box.

There’s a private Facebook group for those participating. This is a place for reminders and encouragement to keep going. You can request to join here.

To participate, head to the website and either print out the pamphlet or use one of the Bible reading apps they have provided.

Thanks for making this effort to be women who deeply love the Scriptures.

LatestChurch Staff