Members Meeting Sunday November 11


SUNDAY 11/11/2018

Twice a year we host church member meetings. It's the pastoral team's way to equip you to be Sovereign Grace Church of Orange. They're short and sweet but packed with exciting updates and plans for the future.

If you are a member or regular attender who considers Sovereign Grace Church your home church then this is for you. It's a working lunch, the pastors talk and you eat. Make sure to pack food. You'll miss the meeting if you try to run and grab something. We will have Buck-A-Slice pizza available.

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Calling All Musicians

All musicians are invited to join the worship team next Thursday night.

Whether you're just starting to strum the 4 chords you know on the guitar or you're a classically-trained pianist, come play with us during our once-per-month rehearsal. The entire worship team is there. We learn about worship, we work on our musicianship, and we grow as a team.

You can just observe. You can jump in and play along. Ask for help on your instrument. You are welcome to participate however you like.

If you've ever wondered about serving on the worship team, this is for you.
If you just want to come and jam, this is for you.

Thursday 11/8/2018
7pm-9pm in Orange

Contact Pastor Dustin for more details.

Baby Amadeus

Congratulations to parents Matt and Chanelle, to big brother Azariah, and to big sisters Oceana and Eliana!

Church Staff
Church Budget

We publish updates on our financial status throughout the year. A final annual report is published every Fall.

These figures represent the grace of God at work in the members and friends of our local church. It's unmistakable. God is being kind towards us and we want to thank Him and you.

Thank you.

Of course, numbers are only a small fraction of all the way our church is contributing to the ministry of our church. Wouldn't it be great if we could publish a monthly report on your generous affections for one another? Or all the hours you spend together? Thank you for living no longer for yourselves but for God and your neighbor!

May the accounting of His provisions encourage your faith. Please continue to pray that we would steward it all for the advance of His gospel and the good of His church.

Sept 1st 2018 - September 30th 2018

$ 25,057 Contributions

$ 23,777 Expenses

Questions? Please contact a member of our Finance Committee.

Church Staff
Reformapalooza Review

We celebrated the Reformation with some good food and lots of fun last Sunday.

A big thank you to all who contributed and served and a very special thank you to the Davis family for creating the Reformation Games.

LatestAnne Adam
First Friday Fast - November

Join us in fasting on the first Friday of every month in 2018. Church members who fast for all 12 Fridays will be invited to a year-end party to celebrate the answers to our prayers.

If fasting is new to you, here are some instructions.


Our prayer focus for November is the officers of our church, our pastors and deacons.

  • Pray for God to give them wisdom as they make decisions which impact the life of our church.

  • Pray for God to continually stoke their affections for one another, for our church, and for our city.

  • Pray for God to protect, preserve, and prosper their marriages and families.

  • Pray for God to add more pastors and deacons to our church as we work to train and deploy leaders.

  • Pray for God to give them a common and compelling vision for the future of our church, our ambitions for more ministry in Orange County, and and our role in the spread of the gospel beyond southern California.

  • Pray for God to fill them with His Spirit so that they may serve in the strength He supplies.

LatestChurch Staff
The End Of The World

Two Weeks

How does the Bible say the world will end?
When will it be?
What comes right before?
What comes after?

We are spending two weeks tackling these questions. Join us at Sunday School this week to engage, learn, and grow.

Sunday @ 9:30AM
Woman’s Club Garden

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