Posts in Weekly Recap
Church Member Meeting Agenda

We hold 2 regular all-church member meeting per year. One in Fall. One in the Spring. They are designed to equip us to be faithful, fruitful members of our congregation. Last Sunday afternoon we met to discuss many important developments, some of which you will be reading about in the weeks to come. Here was the agenda:

Membership Rolls

Financial Report

Children's Ministry

Santa Ana Church Plant

Southern Baptist Convention

Mike Bullmore Speaks To Us About Preaching

The content and intent of the text.

Nine of our men joined our sister church in Pasadena for a Sunday evening symposium on exegetical preaching with Mike Bullmore. Mike is a gracious friend and council member with The Gospel Coalition.

He called us to commit to preaching sermons controlled by the content and intent of the text. Allow God to do what God wants to do with His words. Why? Because God wants to feed his church.

"And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 8:3)

Events, Weekly RecapChurch Staff
Church Member Meeting This Sunday

Members and Regular Attenders

Please plan on attending an important one hour meeting this Sunday, immediately following our service. We hold 2 regular all-church member meeting per year. One in Fall. One in the Spring. They are designed to equip you to be faithful, fruitful members of our congregation.

Bring your lunch or buy some of our world famous Buck-O-Slice pizza. You eat while your leaders speak. We all go home ready for another 6 months of life together.

A Small Group With A Big Dream

Their first meeting.

The Houltons are forming a new small group in Downtown Santa Ana. Sunday nights, 6-8pm. The first meeting was held last Sunday. We are hoping this is the beginning of a new sister church in Santa Ana.

Would you please consider joining this group? We are specifically looking for individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Live in Santa Ana.
  2. Live closer to DTSA than OTO.
  3. Willing to relocate to Santa Ana.
  4. Have a compelling interest in Santa Ana (ex. "I grew up in SA.").

Want to learn more? Fill out an interest form and the Houltons will contact you ASAP.

Viva Reformafiesta!

Rain or shine. We eat tacos.