Posts in Weekly Recap
Our Life Together In Pictures
Youth Group This Thursday Night

Welcome Back

School is back! If you are a Junior or Senior High School student, please plan on joining us for our monthly meetups.

The first Thursdays of every month through May. Our meetings will rotate homes and you can expect food, fun, and a hearty conversation about God every time we gather.

This week we are at the Turbedsky Residence, 7-9PM. The topic is The Justice of God: What really is fair?

Contact Lisa for more info and directions.

Nothing Is More Important Than This

Last Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, reminding us of that which is of first importance. The gospel.

Are you spiritually bored?

The remedy for the soul that is restless or indifferent isn't the discovery of a new cause or subject of interest. It's Christ and what He has accomplished through His death, burial, and resurrection. He alone can fascinate us for eternity.

Listen to the sermon.

Weekly Recap, SundaysChurch Staff
We Are Preparing For New Small Groups

3 New Leaders

The pastoral team announced an ambitious plan to multiply our small groups this Fall. We need to make room for more people to experience the same kind of community and ministry that we have enjoyed...small groups of friends who act like families because we are.

Over the next few months, each of the three pastors who lead a small group will begin to prepare a new person to lead the group. If you are a member of one of these groups, you have a part to play. They will need your help in identifying, preparing, and supporting your leader. Change is never easy and grace is necessary all the way around. However, it's worth it when you consider the potential.

So join us in praying for God's continuing favor as we labor to extend ourselves for the advance of the gospel. Feel free to ask questions or even to nominate someone to lead. Press in, build deep, and be ready to welcome newcomers into your groups.

We Are Participants Not Spectators In Church

Your Place In The Assembly

Our services are designed with your participation in mind. Pastor Eric preached on this last Sunday. The model of one speaker and everyone else a listener is foreign to the scriptures. We aren't an audience. We are the body of Christ, each of us an essential part of the church.

So when we gather together, we all come eager to encourage and build one another up. This can be quite spontaneous and our pastors are committed to ensuring everything we do is done "decently and in order." (1 Corinthians 14:40) This is why one pastor always presiding over the service. He is located adjacent to the lectern and responsible for the liturgy. He ensures our participation is timely, intelligible, and encouraging. At times, he even inserts himself into the liturgy to provide leadership and pastoral care.

When Should You Speak

There are countless ways to participate before, during, and after our services. Most ministry to one another is done privately. Not every encouraging word or prayer needs a microphone.

However, if during our service you believe the Spirit is prompting you to say read a scripture, pray, an encouragement, even a prophecy, tongue, or interpretation of a tongue...approach the pastor by the lectern (i.e. the presider). He will discern whether or not you should speak. You don't need to be 100% confident. No one ever is. We trust God will work through our pastors as they lead the service.

Here is how these instructions read in our weekly bulletin...

We are eager for God to meet us in the things we have planned and in the things we have not planned. If you believe you have something to share, please see the pastor located nearest to the lectern while we are singing.

Join our pastors in praying for the Spirit's power in our services. Go to church asking God to use you to encourage others. May God be good to us for His glory.

Weekly Recap, SundaysChurch Staff
Fair Warning This Sunday

The Orange International Street Fair

This Sunday our community will hold one of the largest block parties in California. Our church is located one block away. This is going to be fun!

Arrive Early

Plan on arriving early than usual to locate a parking spot. The city will be charging to park in many of the lots and so will all the residents in the driveway. It's not really that bad since our service is early. The fair goers arrive later.

Stay Late

We'll be meeting up on the lawn in front of our church offices after the service. Bring some lunch or buy food at the fair. Look for us on the NE corner of Chapman and Grand. We'll be the ones people-watching.

Learn more about the fair.