Posts in Weekly Recap
Chili Champions 2016

Congratulations to the winners of our 2016 Freestyle Chili Cook Off. And big thanks to the record number of entries, especially the more unusual (and less "hot") items. Hurray for another summer.

Best Chili - The Chili Dipper by Mackenzie

Hottest Chili - Slam Dunk by Kirsi

Most Unusual - Bangkok Chili of Doom by Jim

When We Come Together

Last Sunday Pastor Eric preached from 1 Corinthians 14:26-40, a very practical ending three chapters regarding the power of the Spirit in the life of the church today.

The principle of participation.

The principle of edification.

The principle of order.

Every week God meets us as we come together. He is using the familiar turns and patterns and endings of our services to do extraordinary things. He's purchased every minute of every meeting. Sundays are a tangible expression of God's goodness to us today.

Listen to the sermon.

Meetup After Church This Sunday

500,000 people are expected to visit our neighborhood this weekend for the Orange International Street Fair. There will be 15 ethnic streets with 42 food and drink booths. It's the biggest weekend of the year for Old Towne Orange.

Meetup After Church

We will set up picnic blankets on the lawn outside our church office (the corner of Chapman and Grand). Bring your overpriced street fair food, your kids, and enjoy the shade and fellowship. 

Jeff And Taylor's Testimony

Last Sunday we welcomed new church members. This is the story of two.

I am Jeff and this is my fiancé Taylor. We are getting married this October and are excited to call Sovereign Grace our home. 

We were both saved in 2010, baptized in 2010, met in 2010, and began dating in 2010. We were juniors in High School and regularly attending a youth service when our pastor set out with his family to plant a church in Orange County. So at age 17, we followed and threw ourselves into the life of that church and, long story short, 5 years later it became clear God was leading us in a new direction. Our theology and vision for the church had changed and we began searching for a new home.

It took us nearly six months to find you and we are so grateful we did.

You welcomed us into your community that first Sunday. Dustin greeted us immediately and invited us to sit with his family. This meant so much. It was hard to leave our familiar friends and church. We praise God for the grace he has given to you.

Our second Sunday was your evening Communion service. Again, praise God!

We are delighted to join you, a people who love one another and celebrate so well the gospel of the grace of God. We look forward to meeting more of you, developing friendships, and serving alongside you all. 

What We Want Is Beyond Us

9 leaders. 24 hours. 1 ambition.

Last weekend, some of our leaders took time to discuss the future. God is at work and we want to faithfully steward our calling as a congregation. Thank you for praying for them. We'll hear more about what they discussed in the coming months. It was a very joyful 24 hours.

Meet Our Newest Church Members

A powerful statement in a low-commitment culture.

Last Sunday, 11 new individuals promised to labor for the unity, purity, and prosperity of our church. For as long as God wills, our lives are joined together in a common commitment to live for Jesus in Old Town Orange. We are family. We are a local church. We are one.




Grant and Holly





Bobby and Alie

Learn more about church membership at Sovereign Grace.