Posts in Weekly Recap
Chili Cook Off Tips And Tricks

2016 Freestyle Chili Cook Off

Want to win it all? You're going to have to work hard to impress your friends. Here are a few helpful tips and tricks to ensure your entry into the immortal Hall of Chili Champions. 

  • The name is the game. Theological puns, poking fun at our pastors, or hipster irony will win you points.
  • The power of presentation. Looking good is almost as good as tasting good. For example, Pastor Mike keeps bringing an open can of store-bought chili and, although a perennial runners-up, he proves the point. You must mask your store-bought chili in a crockpot!
  • You can't win it if you aren't in it. Duh. In fact, if nobody brings chili than we all lose. It's not really about the chili anyways, is it? 

Learn more and register today.

Pray For Our Leadership Retreat

Nine Men

Twenty-four Hours

One Goal

Please join us in praying for the leaders headed out this evening on a 24 hour retreat. Ask God to meet them as they labor to serve us with faith and joy. They need courage and strength and skill and gifting if we are going to go where God calls us to go.

Last Week In Pictures
Books About Spiritual Gifts

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. 1 Cor 12:1

Learn more about how the Holy Spirit provides the power we need to serve him as the church. Our recent sermon series through 1 Corinthians is only scratching the surface and our small groups only have so much time to discuss together. Read a book or two on the subject. Don't be uninformed.

We Need Spiritual Gifts

Tongues and Prophecy

Pastor Eric preached from 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 this past Sunday. He exhorted us not to see the works of the Spirit in the life of the church as some kind of anomaly in the great arc of redemptive history. These grace-gifts (i.e. charismata) were not something only the very first Christians needed. They are for us today too.

Spiritual gifts are part of the often ordinary, mundane, overlooked providence of the Father, in concert with the Son and Spirit, for his purposes and glory as He works out His good for us until Christ returns. Tongues and prophecy are only the tip of the iceberg.

Listen to the sermon.

The Hall Of Chili Champions

4th Annual Freestyle Chili Cookoff

Oh no! We only have records for the last two years of champions. Do you know who won in 2013 or 2012? Email the church office.


  • Hottest Chili - "Dragon's Breath" by Michelle E.
  • Most Unusual Chili - "Chili con Sucre" by Anna B.
  • Best Chili - "Batmobile Chili" by David S.


  • Hottest Chili - Tongues of Fire by Michelle
  • Most Unusual Chili - Icy Hot by Lucas
  • Best Chili - Secret Stache by Kirsi T.

Join us this year.

Anyone can enter. You don't need to attend our church. Fabulous prizes. No rules. If you call it chili, we will judge you!

Sunday, August 28, 1pm at the Woman's Club Garden

Enter your chili here.

*Please note that this is a BYO picnic. Everyone can taste the chili, but please bring your own lunch to eat.