Posts in Weekly Recap
Serving Our Neighbors In Need

The Smetona Small Group at House of Hope

Meet Our Newest Pastoral Resident

This past Sunday we officially welcomed Kyle Houlton as our newest Pastoral Resident. His family relocated here from our sister church in Tucson, Arizona with the hope of joining God in the advance of the gospel in Orange County. We have positioned Kyle to lead a future church plant in Santa Ana.

Kyle shared...

The opportunity for church planting in southern California is staggering. There are more lost Californians than we could together count in a year. People who need Jesus. People who need to hear the Gospel. 

We asked God if we could be a part of bringing the gospel to Southern Californians and discovered you. Sovereign Grace Church of Orange. It has taken 3 years to get here and we couldn't be more excited and grateful. Thank you for your support, your faith, and your example. 

God is doing something in Orange County that’s bigger than us.