Posts in Weekly Recap
Pie as Goodbye

The Brandts are moving back to the East Coast and we are planning a proper pie send-off. We want to be as good at saying goodbye as we are at welcoming people. 

Pies, fun, and hugs. 

This Saturday, 7pm at the Card's house. Email Anne for directions. 

This Sunday We Appoint Another Pastor

Ordination Service

Join us this Sunday as we ordain Lucas Enge to the office of Pastor. He has successfully completed all our denominational and local requirements. Our congregation has affirmed him. His wife Geneva believes he is called to serve. This Sunday we make it official. He'll be the newest pastor in Old Towne Orange.

Ordination Party

After the service, we'll be hosting a lunch and games. Church members and regular attenders need to bring food: households of 2 or less bring a side dish, household of 3 or more bring a main dish. Guests and newcomers get a pass.


We will also be raising money for Lucas's book fund. Bring a couple dollars and try to dunk a member of our pastoral team. Everyone is invited to get up in the tank too. Assume your going to get wet this Sunday!

The Houltons Move-In Party

Thanks to everyone who came out Tuesday to move-in the Houlton family. Go here to learn more about why they moved to Downtown Santa Ana.

God Is Still Sending People

This past Sunday James Detwiler and his family visited us from Kentucky. He recently completed PHD work at Southern Seminary and believes the Lord is calling them back to California. Please pray for them as we consider together what the future might hold. They love the Lord and desire to be part of the advance of the gospel here in Southern California.

Listen to his sermon here.