Posts in Weekly Recap
Juan's Baptism


Jesus said...“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25–26 ESV)

Pray For Our Regional Assembly Of Elders

Our pastoral team will be traveling this week to Gilbert, Arizona for three days of meetings and fellowship with the SGC West Regional Assembly of Elders. Pray God would bless their time and guide them as our sister churches work towards stronger congregations and greater impact throughout the southwest.

One important vote this week is regarding Lucas Enge's nomination for ordination. Although the authority to ordain pastors resides in the local church, our partnership with SGC necessitates their approval. You can read all about how we work together as a denomination here.

The pastoral team will be back Sunday to share reports of all that is going on in our region.

A Day Of Quiet For Women

Kelsey is inviting all women to her house for a day of relaxation, studying, and encouragement. This day of quiet is for all women of Sovereign Grace Church who feel like they could use a break, time to preach truth to themselves, and be a little less distracted. 

From Kelsey...

I had the idea at a recent small group meeting, when discussing our lives as moms: I realized that I am not the only woman that is tired and is struggling to spend in the word and fellowship with friends outside of Sunday morning and small group. It seems that moms especially have difficulty finding time to themselves, where they can spend time studying and learning more about scripture, and furthering their relationship with Christ. 

That's why I would like to invite all women, but especially all our moms, no matter how old your child(ren), to my home on Saturday, June 11 for a day of quiet. A day to spend however you would like, reading your bible and spending time alone, or engaging in a short study with other women. 

Saturday, June 11. 

No agenda. Just space and quiet.

 The door will open at 9am with coffee, tea and pastries and remain open until 4pm. Email Kelsey for details.