Posts in Weekly Recap
Guest Reception Canceled This Sunday


Our regularly scheduled guest reception for this Sunday is canceled. We had a conflict with another event later the same day hosted by the Woman's Club of Orange.

Thankfully we live in the foodie capital of Orange County. Invite a new friend for lunch this Sunday in Old Towne Orange.

Help Our Church Council Lead Us

Our Pastoral Team and Deaconate meet twice a year to coordinate care and planning in the life of our church. We call them this our Church Council. You can read more about it near the bottom of our Leadership page.

As they gather on Wednesday evening, your insight into the needs and vulnerabilities of our shared ministry are helpful. Our goal is to ensure everyone experiences the blessings of the grace of God at work in our church. Do you know of any particular unmet needs? Is there a particular segment of our congregation that you believe is underserved? Do you have a heart to see our serving our church and community in a particular way? Take a moment to write to the Church Counsel.

Stop And Pray For Someone This Sunday

Every member of our church walks into the Sunday Service with a job description. We don't arrive simply to watch and be served. We come asking God "How can I serve others?"

One of the most effective things we can do is to pray for one another. If someone tells you they had a tough week, pray. If someone shares that they are sick, pray. If someone shares good news, pray. If someone asks about Jesus and wants to be saved, pray!

We must become a praying church.

Pray about praying. It's one of the things we are all called by God to do when we gather together.

Bring Your Donations This Sunday

One of the ways we love our neighbors is by providing gift bags to expecting mothers through Living Well Pregnancy Center. We package them up and deliver them to the center every couple months.

This Sunday we will be collecting the following items to wrap and deliver to Living Well Pregnancy Center:


Receiving blankets


Baby Books

Baby Soap

Small toys

Drop your items in the boxes this Sunday in the lobby and if you are interested in joining the ladies in assembling the gift bags on May 14th, Email Angie for the details.