Posts in Weekly Recap
Should You Get Married?

Which is better? Singleness or matrimony?

Pastor Eric preached last Sunday from 1 Corinthians 7:24-40 on the issue of whether or not a single christian should pursue marriage. The Apostle offers us not a right vs. wrong argument but rather a right vs. better perspective.

For some of us, our desire for marriage is too strong. And for others, our desire for marriage is too weak. The answer to both is located in the good news of Jesus Christ preparing a bride for himself.

Listen to the sermon here.

Our New Garden Rule

Beautiful Garden + Our Children = One Rule

We want to be good stewards of the Woman's Club garden. They have made improvements and we have more children. It's time for a rule.

Stay on the bricks.

Please ensure all children stay on the bricks at all times. They are free to run and play in the garden, just not in the planters and behind the building. It's a simple enough rule, but we know it'll take time to adjust. Let's all help keep the kids on the bricks.

2016 Communion Dinner Photos

"Tonight we eat and drink...dreaming of an evening when we will be be seated at tables that spread to the four corners of the earth."

"Your salvation cannot fully be appreciated until you know that you are no longer alone."

"The Lord's table draws a line around the church by drawing a congregation around a table."

"Never forget the price He paid."

Communion Service Liturgy

Order of Service


Call to Worship

Jesus Paid It All


Pastoral Prayer


The Bread

Man Of Sorrows

Meal (continued)

The Cup

Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus



Our meal will be served family-style and children are welcome at the table. The menu is very basic (chicken and potatoes). Only Christians will be invited to participate in the bread and cup. Please plan on arriving by 4:45pm to deliver your food and find your seats.

Get your food assignments and more information here.

Jesus Jumped And Nobody Caught Him

Visiting Pastor Lynn Baird preached this past Sunday from Matthew 4:5-7, asking the question we all must ask...

What is the most important thing about me?

At the heart of the second temptation of the Christ was an identity issue. Who was he? Who was the Father? Can the Son of God trust God?

"If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, “ ‘He will command his angels concerning you...’"

Listen to the sermon.

The Big Plan For The Big Meal This Sunday

Get ready! We are hosting a family-style feast on Sunday evening, March 13th. This will be a church-wide celebration punctuated by the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.

The church will be providing the main dish and drinks. All members and regular attenders are asked to contribute the following to the meal:

  • A household of 1 brings a dessert (fresh fruit or a bakery item).
  • A household of 2 brings a vegetable side or a salad.
  • A household of 3 brings a crockpot full of mashed potatoes.
  • A household of 4 or more brings a crockpot full of mashed potatoes AND a salad.

Our meal will be served family-style at long communal tables. Please bring serving utensils for your dishes and remember our March 13th Sunday morning service is canceled. If you would like to volunteer for setup, contact Anne.