Posts in Weekly Recap
Bring a Donation This Sunday
February 21, 2016

February 21, 2016

One of the new ways we are loving our neighbors is by providing gift bags to expecting mothers through Living Well Pregnancy Center. We'll package them up and deliver them to the center every couple months.

This Sunday we will be collecting the following items to wrap and deliver to Living Well Pregnancy Center:


Receiving blankets


Baby Books

Baby Soap

Small toys


Drop your items in the boxes this Sunday in the lobby and if you are interested in joining the ladies in assembling the gift bags on March 5th, email Angie for the details.

Books About Sex, Romance, Marriage, and Singleness

As we have preached through 1 Corinthians the last month, you may have found yourself hungry for more on the subjects we've covered. Here are a few recommendations:

"The greatest, wisest, most fully human person who has ever lived never married—Jesus Christ. His greatest apostle never married and was thankful for his singleness. Jesus himself said that in the age to come we do not marry. And he added that the age to come had already broken into this world."