Posts in Weekly Recap
A Statement On Conflicts, Disputes, And Lawsuits

Last Sunday Pastor Eric was preaching from 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 and referenced our official statement regarding conflict resolution within the church. You can read it here.

Please keep in mind that although the Scriptures strongly discourage a Christian from suing another Christian, this does not mean that a Christian should never engage in the legal system. Even the Apostle Paul himself utilized the law to protect his rights as a Roman citizen.

Book Reading Challenge - Last Chance to Sign Up!

Join us in reading 12 books in 2016.

Sign up by January 31. 

Each month we'll provide a category and recommendations. For January, we're reading a biography. Some options will be available on Sundays at the bookstore. You choose the book. Register by January 31st and successfully complete the challenge to receive an invitation to our year-end steak dinner celebration.

Learn more and register here.


Weekly Recap, EventsChurch Staff
Evening Communion Service

Mark your calendars.

Sleep in on Daylight Savings Sunday.

Join the feast.

More info coming soon. Church members and regular attenders should watch their inbox for more information on how they can participate in this special evening service.


What We Believe About Church Disicipline

This Sunday we continued our sermon series through 1 Corinthians, addressing the mandate given to the church in Chapter 5 to "purge the evil person from among you."

Working from our official statement on church discipline, Pastor Eric said that this has nothing to do with “shunning” a person. It involves first confronting in love and gentleness and then, if unsuccessful, withholding fellowship. It is not rejection of a relationship but a change in the nature of a relationship.

If a person under discipline is not factious or disruptive or a harmful influence, he is welcomed to attend all church meetings that are open to unbelievers with the exception of small groups that meet for the purpose of fellowship.

Once the church leadership makes a sin publicly known, they commit as well to inform the church of repentance and restoration to fellowship as appropriate to the situation and the good of the church.

Read the entire statement here.

Listen to the sermon here.