Posts in Weekly Recap
Book Recommendation: Hipster Christianity

The drive to be respected and well thought of by outsiders isn't new. And it's not all bad either. However, we must never forget that our message and our fellowship appear foolish to the world. We will never be the cool kids. We are christians.

"For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18)

As Pastor Eric has been preaching through 1 Corinthians 1, he's referenced Hipster Christianity by Brett McCracken a few times. This is a great treatment of the topic and temptations we face as a church. And bonus points for all the research on a number of churches in Southern California.

"perhaps Christianity is hopelessly unhip, maybe even the anticool. What if it turns out that Christianity’s endurance comes from the fact that it is, has been, and continues to be the antithesis and antidote to the intoxicating and exhausting drive in our human nature for cool..."

Buy the book.

Will Christianity Ever Be Cool?

"If your Christianity isn't weird, you are doing it wrong."

Our faith hasn't suddenly become embarrassing, it always has been embarrassing. The gospel is foolish according to the standards of logic and common sense. Any respect we gain is but an illusion.

God chose us to prove the world is wrong.

Pastor Eric preached this past Sunday from 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, exhorting us to abandon our efforts to be known as the "cool people." We aren't cool. We are Christians, which is far better than being cool.

Listen to the sermon here.

Sundays, Weekly RecapChurch Staff
Anne's First Week At Work

Anne begins her new role as an Executive Assistant this week. She shared the following last Sunday...

It is an honor to be your new Executive Assistant. This is a huge deal for our church. We are a small church full of people on tight budgets living in overpriced neighborhoods. The very fact that you are willing to support administrative staff is evidence of God's grace in you.

I want to serve you.

I'm aware that so many of you, including Pastor Mike, work countless as volunteers. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity. It humbling to be on staff and I covet your prayers.

I am excited to see God continue His work in and through us this coming year. My responsibilities will focus on serving our leaders and Pastor Eric in particular. I've been asked to help ensure Pastor Eric has the sufficient time and resources to study, teach, lead, care for us, and equip us for ministry.

I believe God is using our church and has shown us great favor. His generosity and sovereignty are on display in this moment in our young church’s history. He is using your giving to equip and support our pastors. I want to glorify Him with you, as together we all lay down our lives for Him.

Pray for me.

I will need God's help. You know that I love you. Thank you for being such a beautiful expression of the body of Christ.

You Might Be A Deacon

Our Church Council met officially for the first time this past Wednesday, and as they met two important topics emerged. The first was that our current deacons are experiencing the promises of God...

"For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 3:13

The second topic was about you, the members of Sovereign Grace Church. We believe God will call some of you to be deacons in the future. Why? Because God is good and deacons are a gift from Him to His church.

May we not underestimate our deaconate.

Please join us in praying for the future of our deaconate ministry. Read up about what we believe about deacons, encourage our deacons, and ask God if you are called to be a deacon.

And btw...although we ordain only men as deacons, we believe women are called to fulfill deacon-like roles in the church too. We want to equip you to do the ministry of the church. If we don't find you first, contact a deacon or pastor and let them know you want to serve.

Our Very First Church Council Meeting

Please pray for our leaders.

This Wednesday evening marks the first time our new Church Council will meet. The council is comprised of all our pastors and deacons. Our two pastoral residents are invited to participate as well.

"The Church Council is where the ministries of our pastors and our deacons intersect. Where the concerns of the deacons are given voice among the pastors, and the needs of the pastors are considered by the deacons."

Please pray for these men as they begin to work more closely together. Ask the Lord for wisdom, courage, ambition, a greater love for God, and for unity. Each man loves our church and wants to do his very best to ensure we are living in the good of the gospel. Pray God would use them to this end.

Events, Weekly RecapChurch Staff
There Are Only Two Kinds Of People

Pastor Eric began his sermon last Sunday from 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 by saying "Christians believe that there are only really two kinds of people in this world...those who are being saved (people) and those who are perishing (people). And the difference between the two is never clearer than what they think about the gospel."

Some say foolishness. Others say the power of God. There is no third option.

Listen to the sermon here.

Sundays, Weekly RecapChurch Staff