Posts in Weekly Recap
The 2015 Council of Elders Report

Last week, Pastor Eric represented our church at the Sovereign Grace Council of Elders meeting in Indianapolis. This is the highest governing body outside the local church in our denomination. You can read more about our church government here.

"Sovereign Grace Churches is not a ministry independent of our churches, it is an expression of our churches, governed by our churches, to serve our family of churches. It grew out of our shared commitment to hold fast in our Christian faith, to display the unity of Christ’s church, and to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Read more about the decisions and announcements made during the meeting.

Events, Weekly RecapChurch Staff
A Visit From Our Sister Church In Seoul

Our Pastors Conference week closed with a visit from the pastor and his wife of our sister church in Seoul, Korea. Songhwan and Miran met with the pastors of Sovereign Grace Church in Pasadena, many Korean American pastors and wives from churches in Orange County, and 2 of our small groups.

The more time we spent together, the more convinced we became that God is going to use Sovereign Grace Churches to bless the church in Korea. Songhwan and his church are boldly proclaiming a message of forgiveness and grace. People's lives are being transformed. Please join us in praying for them, for their countrymen, and the future of the church in Korea.

The Pastors Conference Week 2015

Our partnership with Sovereign Grace Churches provides us with many blessings. One of these is our annual conference for pastors and church leaders. Although the conference is three days, the celebration often extends for a week or more. In fact, this week Songhwan Kang and his wife are with us through Thursday, meeting church members and other leaders from churches in the area.

We love our sister churches.