Posts in Weekly Recap
Introducing Our New Opportunity Fund

Last Sunday our pastors introduced our new Opportunity Fund. A place for us to begin saving for future strategic opportunities.

Church Planting

Leadership Development

Global Missions

Facilities Acquisitions

Think of this fund as the place where we set aside money for future ministry expansion. We could set up a different fund for each of the categories listed above (and one day we might do so), but for now we intend to remain nimble and flexible. Donations given to this fund will be used to extend our ministry beyond our current capacities.

Expect to receive invitations to give to this fund regularly (you can do so here). Our ambitions for God cannot be modest. We want the gospel and God's glory to grow.

Examining Men For Pastoral Ministry

We are hosting the exams.

Pastor Eric serves on the West Regional Ordination Committee for our denomination (Sovereign Grace Churches). This committee examines men who have been nominated to the office of pastor by a sister church. 

Twice a year the committee and the candidates travel to a city in the region for oral examinations. This time it's Old Towne Orange.

Please pray. The candidates have already been tested in a number of ways — this is their last step before the Regional Assembly of Elders votes to approve of their ordination (you can read more about this process here).


Church Member Meeting Recap

Sunday, October 4, 2015

We hold 2 regularly scheduled church member meetings per year. Fall and Spring. These events are for all members and regular attenders and designed to equip us to fulfill our mission together.

This past Sunday we covered a number of topics. Here are a few of the highlights:

  • Our ministry is growing and so are our finances.
  • We have establish an Opportunity Fund.
  • Dustin Smetona is now a Pastoral Resident.
  • We are hiring administrative staff.
  • Our commitment to discipleship is stronger than ever.

Watch this blog over the coming week for more information. Pray for 2016.


The Retreat Was Better Than I Hoped For

Alma shared last Sunday...

Last week I attended our first-ever women’s retreat. I was so excited about this. As soon as the event was announced I rushed the registration table. I wanted to spend a weekend with a group multi-generational friends who love Jesus. 

I really didn't know what to expect and quickly filled in the blanks with what I could get out of the retreat. Instruction, teaching, pampering. I was thinking resort and spa, but God had something much better planned.

We were encouraged by the teaching to reposition our hearts towards how we can serve one another. I'm always thinking bigger is better and to have big, audacious goals. Instead, I was reminded that being a wife and mother and friend was already extraordinary.

God often chooses the ordinary to show us the extraordinary.

I learned that each of our lives are a ministry. He even blesses us with uncomfortable and painful seasons and situations because he loves us. And when we seek to glorify him in all we do, even in things we did not ask for to begin with, he reminds us that he is good through it all. 

The retreat wasn't everything I had hoped for. It was better.

Church Member Meeting This Sunday

Members Meeting

Sunday, October 4, 2015

All church members and regular attenders should plan on a "working lunch" after our service this Sunday, October 4, 2015. You eat, the pastors talk, and everyone is equipped to participate in the ministry of our church.

This is a BYO lunch event. Buck-A-Slice pizza will be available. We schedule 2 member meetings per year. Read the recaps from our last two here: October and May.