Posts in Weekly Recap
We Need A Theology Of Friendship

The most important relationship we never talk about.

We all experience a deep desire for friendship. It's part of how we bear God's likeness. It's not good to be alone. We are social by design.

But we've all been hurt by a friend as well. We aren't as good at being friends as we want. Our sin turns our friendships into just one more way to make everything about "me."

Listen to Pastor Eric teach on friendship from John 15:12-17.

Weekly Recap, SundaysChurch Staff
Book Recommendation: The Company We Keep

Pastor Eric recommended the following book during his sermon:

The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship

"Fellowship might be described as that special sense of companionship and love among believers based on our unity in Christ...But in this book I want to help you see what Christian fellowship can look like when taken to the next level and applied more personally. This is fellowship that has been given added depth, refinement, and detail through active investment in one another’s lives. It’s what I’m calling biblical friendship."

All Things For God's Glory

Our pulpit never looked this good.

Diversity in our ministry is a very good sign. It means God is equipping us for good works and it also means we are eager to do whatever it takes to see the gospel advance. This is the work of the Spirit.

One example of this is our refurbished pulpit. After our two IKEA lecterns literally fell apart  (you have IKEA know what we're talking about), something had to be done. One Sunday the pulpit actually crumbled into pieces after the service. We all just watched and laughed.

Now, a month later, both lecterns and our communion table have been refurbished. Our preachers can once again pound the pulpit with confidence. How's is this possible? Deacon Les has a wood shop :)

The Simple Things — Friends

Join us this Sunday as we complete our short series of sermons concerning the simple things in, family, and friends. We'll be celebrating how they bless us and considering how our calling as God's children changes how we think about them.

Learn more about the last two sermons here: food and family.

Pray For The Women of Sovereign Grace

We are sold out.

Please take time to pray for all the women headed on our retreat this Thursday through Saturday. Every bed is spoken for and all the arrangements are made. It's go time.

Ask God to accomplish the following:

New Friendships

Multi-generational Connections

Hope for the Weary Woman

Truth for the Growing Christian



Register For Tea.ology

Ladies Meetings

Join your friends from church in a monthly discussion about God over your favorite beverage. Women talking like women about God. The second Wednesday of every month, October through May 2016, 7-9pm in Old Towne Orange.

See all the dates on the church calendar.

This year the women will read Concise Theology by J.I. Packer. Register for the group by emailing Christy. She'll send you all the info. Space is limited. 


Church Member Meeting This Month

Members Meeting

Sunday, October 4, 2015

All church members and regular attenders should plan on a "working lunch" after our Sunday service on October 4, 2015. You eat, the pastors talk, and everyone is equipped to participate in the ministry of our church.

This is a BYO lunch event. Buck-A-Slice pizza will be available. We schedule 2 member meetings per year. Read the recaps from our last two here: October and May.