Posts in Weekly Recap
The Simple Things — Food

What we think about food.

Join us this Sunday as we begin a short series of sermons about the simple things in, family, and friends. We'll be celebrating the blessings and considering how our calling as God's children changes how we think about our lives.

Weekly Recap, SundaysChurch Staff
The Father's Amen To Everything About Jesus

The resurrection.

Last Sunday, Pastor Eric preached the ending to our series through The Gospel According to Mark. The book ends the way Mark intended it to end, leaving it's readers uneasy.

Who is this man named Jesus?

The resurrection tells us that the Father approves of everything Jesus has said and done. He is alive again. He triumphed over our sin and enemy. It is a foretaste of the future, when Jesus will make all things new.

Listen to Mark 16:1-8 here. 

Sundays, Weekly RecapChurch Staff
The Longer Ending To The Gospel of Mark

Why Mark ended with verse 8.

Pastor Eric spoke today regarding our omission of the longer, alternative ending printed in the English Standard Version translation. We won't be preaching a sermon from it since we do not believe it's authentic.

While the longer ending (and various shorter endings) are a good reminder as to the trustworthiness of our bibles, you may still have questions.

Learn more about this issue here.