Posts in Weekly Recap
5 Days Left To Send Us Your Feedback

Our pastoral team has nominated Lucas Enge for the office of pastor. This is a big step in the life of our young church and your participation now is very important.

Our constitutional documents prescribe a 14 day period for written and oral feedback.

Everything you need to know about what we believe about pastors and how we ordain them can be found here.You might also like to review our statement on Bi-vocational Pastors since we do not plan on compensating Lucas at this time. He will be working as a volunteer.

Please go here to submit your feedback.

Enter Your Chili Into Our Competition
The 2014 Chili Cookoff Champions

The 2014 Chili Cookoff Champions

3rd Annual Freestyle Chili Cookoff

Join us for our 2015 Chili Cook Off. Anyone can enter. You don't need to attend our church.

Fabulous prizes. No rules. If you call it chili, we will judge you.

Sunday, August 24, 1pm at the Woman's Club Garden

Enter your chili here.

*Please note that this is a BYO picnic. Everyone can taste the chili, but please bring your own lunch to eat.

Get Ready for Star Wars Sunday


Star Wars

What do you do when you buy a new projection screen? You break it in by watching Star Wars (Episode 4 of course). Mark your calendars. We are planning a church-wide, matinee viewing of Star Wars to celebrate. 

BYO lunch with "Buck a slice" Pizza available. Lightsabers and stormtrooper costumes optional.

Sunday, August 9th