Posts in Weekly Recap
Summer Baptism Date

Sunday, July 12

Your baptism is a public testimony of what Christ has done in your life. It's a symbolic picture of your identification with Jesus - His death, burial, resurrection, and new life.

If you believe and consider yourself a christian, but haven't been baptized, please click the link below and connect with a pastor. Let us help you with this next step.

Learn more about the sacraments.

Member Meeting Recap

It's good to belong to something.

We laughed. We cried. We asked a lot of morbid questions about pastors dying. It was really good to get some time together to talk about us, Sovereign Grace Church. Thank you for spending your Sunday lunch with the pastoral team.

Along with a inspiring testimony from Rosario, we discussed a new Church Partnership Agreement that we have signed with our denomination. And we also introduced a plan to ratify a statement and policy regarding Pastoral Ministry.

If you are a member of our church, please take some time in the next few weeks to review this Pastoral Ministry proposal. We need your input. This is an important document. Lord willing, it will prove useful to us in many different ways:

  • This document will provide us a robust definition of pastoral ministry.
  • This document will articulate the standards and expectations we have for our pastors.
  • This document will ensure we have a clear process for ordaining future pastors.
  • This document equips the entire church to participate in the selection, promotion, accountability, and care of our pastors.

Thanks again for everything. Contact the pastoral team with questions or comments on the Pastoral Ministry proposal. 

[See the member meeting handout.]



Praying For Our Children

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."

Last Sunday we celebrated the honor of motherhood, the gift of children, and prayed for one of our "first" families. The one on the left is the can tell because she knows what a risky thing it is to give a microphone to her father :)