Posts in Weekly Recap
We Reached Our Goal - Let's Celebrate

Video Campaign

Great news. God has provided the finances to purchase better video equipment. This new gear will meet the needs of our growing church. More people will be able to see the lyrics on Sundays and join us in singing the anthem of saving grace. Thanks to all who gave cheerfully and sacrificially. May God use it all to bring him glory.

Star Wars

So what do you do when you buy a big projection screen? You break it in by watching Star Wars! Episode 4 of course. Mark your calendars. We are planning a church-wide, afternoon viewing of Star Wars to celebrate. BYO lunch.

Sunday, August 9th

Book Recommendation - The Reason For God

Pastor Eric referenced The Reason for God by Timothy Keller this past week during his sermon from Mark 11:1-11. Buy the book on Amazon or at our bookstore.

The Christian gospel is that I am so flawed that Jesus had to died for me, yet I am so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me. This leads to deep humility and deep confidence at the same time. It undermines both swaggering and sniveling. I cannot feel superior to anyone, and yet I have nothing to prove to anyone. I do not think more of myself nor less of myself. Instead, I think of myself less. 

Give That More Can Sing

Video Campaign


We've outgrown our existing Sunday projection equipment and need your help. Please consider giving towards the purchase of a new system that will meet our needs and enable us to reach more of our city. It's hard to sing when you can't see the lyrics from the back (or middle).

  • New Rear Projection Screen
  • Refurbished iMac Computer
  • ProPresenter Media Projection Software

Thanks to everyone who has given. We are getting close to reaching our budget. Every gift makes a difference.

Give now by credit card.

Give Sunday by writing "video" on your check or envelope.

The Father's Cup

Preaching Mark 10:32-52 last Sunday, Pastor Eric quoted from  narrative written by Rick Gamache (pastor of a sister church). It's a vivid rendition of the events surrounding the crucifixion. You can read the entire account here.

"This is the Father’s cup: omnipotent hatred and anger for the sins of every generation past, present, and future—omnipotent wrath directed at one naked man hanging on a cross."

Thanks For Celebrating Easter
Photo Credit Bananna-Mei Art

Photo Credit Bananna-Mei Art

Easter Sundays have become for us at Sovereign Grace a blend of an annual New Years Eve, Birthday, Anniversary, Christmas, Fourth of July, National Hug a Cat Day holiday-ish celebration.

Every Sunday is about the resurrection of Jesus. That's why we gather on Sundays. No duh.

Every Sunday is Easter Sunday.

However, this one Sunday every year (Easter Sunday) we intentionally celebrate us. The new life we share together because of our new shared life with Jesus. We draw a direct line between the realities of the resurrection and the realities of our congregation. We live because Jesus lives, not only personally but collectively as well.

This is what the All-You-Can-Eat Donut Buffet and Easter Photo Booth were all about. Our way of marking our life together with some fun memories. Big thanks to everyone that made it possible, including Kelsey, Robbie, Kristin, Rachel, Scott, and Anne. You guys went above and beyond and slightly sugar-coma inducing :)