Posts in Weekly Recap
Did You Attend 52 Sundays?

This year we challenged our members and regular attenders to attend a church service every week in 2014. You can read more about the 52 SUNDAYS challenge here. 

Did you attend church every week this year? Let us know. Fill out the form. We want to thank you.

The Whole Church Should Read This Book

The fundamentals of our sexuality.

What does it means to be human?

Who chooses my gender?

Can you be anybody you choose to be?

Last month we wrapped up a short series on the topic of gender. We answered some questions, but not every question.

How we answer the fundamental questions about gender shapes our answers to other important questions, such as "What are masculine traits?" or "What about gay marriage?" Get the fundamentals right and you are in a good position to answer the others right too.

What about Same Sex Attraction?

If there is one book we wish ever member of our church would read on the topic of homosexuality, it would be this one. A clear, concise, and compassionate answer to an important issue.

Is God anti-gay? by Sam Allberry

"the fact is that the gospel demands everything of all of us. If someone thinks the gospel has slotted into their life quite easily, without causing any major adjustments to their lifestyle or aspirations, it is likely that they have not really started following Jesus at all.” 

Thank You For Loving Us Twice

How long have you been coming to Sovereign Grace? 

Paul: This is a hard question to answer. I originally came to Orange County to serve in an unrelated church plant. I love the everyone there; it was home for me and it’s where I met Andrea. 

However, over time we found ourselves afraid to speak freely about our lives and struggled painfully in silence. The church seemed to value the appearance of righteousness more than being honest, and when we needed grace the most, we were treated harshly.

We felt hurt and decided to find a new church.

Our first impression of you.

Andrea: I still remember our first few weeks. Strangers treated us like long-time friends and welcome us into their homes. It was so genuine. I remember sitting in a small group meeting where you were all sharing the ups and downs of your lives. Everyone was responding with grace and love. I decided I wanted to be part of this church. 

Our problems followed us.

Paul: Yet as time went on, the resentment and anger we felt against our previous church overwhelmed us and was impossible to ignore any longer. We began to fear the same thing would happen again and we left Sovereign Grace. I told myself that I would never go to church again.

Why we came back.

Paul: By God’s grace, I soon realized how much I needed to grow and my heart longed to enjoy fellowship again. You (Sovereign Grace) had left an unforgettable impression on us. It was here that we found people living out the gospel in community. You embrace one another not according to merit but genuine love. I couldn’t stay away.

Andrea: Six months ago we took what we learned from you and applied it to our broken relationships at that prior church. We asked for their forgiveness and sought reconciliation and gained our old friends back.

Thank you for loving us twice. 

New Members And The Generosity Of God

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." (1 Peter 2:9-10 ESV)

Each new member of our church is a reminder of the generosity of God. He has blessed us with friends and fellow churchmen. We say thank you.

Should Women Wear Head Coverings In Church?

Last Sunday, Pastor Eric preached from a text that challenges even the best theologians. How are we to understand the Apostle Paul's writings regarding head coverings?

"But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven." (1 Corinthians 11:3-5 ESV)

Given our interest in the topic "Gender and Our Relationship with Others: Can you be anybody you want to be?", many interpretive insights into this passage were left on the cutting floor. A few things were very clear:

  1. The passage is ultimately about authority, not head coverings.
  2. Masculine authority is a reflection of both the Trinity and the created order.
  3. Men need women as much as women need men. The genders are mutually interdependent.
  4. A beautiful woman wears authority on her head (i.e. a covering) like a crown.

And the answer to the big question last Sunday "Can you be anybody you choose to be?" is no. God has already chosen your gender and your gender is part of your calling. You can't choose this part of you. God did and now (as he has made you) you are free to be you. So be a man. Be a woman. Be your gender and by being your gender tell the truth about the Son of God.

Should women wear head coverings in church?

"Should, could, and must" are three different questions and Pastor Eric answered only one of them. The "must" question. "Married women are not commanded to wear a head covering during public worship."

The question of head coverings is an issue of application. How does the universal principle of masculine authority works itself out in the church? Then and now? Our top recommendation for further studies on this issue is an article by Tom Schreiner.

Head Coverings, Prophecies, and The Trinity